Page 21 - September2023
P. 21

Avocado Hacks: Using Every Bit of  6. Lip Balm: The moisturizing properties
        the Berry                                              of avocado can be used to treat chapped

        1. Hair Mask: Avocado’s natural oils                   lips. Mix a bit of avocado with olive oil

        and nutrients can help moisturize and                  and beeswax to create a natural lip balm.
        strengthen hair. Mash an avocado, mix it               7. Cuticle and Nail Care: The oils in
        with a bit of olive oil or coconut oil, and            avocados can be great for moisturizing

        apply it to your hair. Leave it on for about           dry cuticles and promoting healthy nails.
        20 minutes before rinsing for softer,                  Simply rub a slice of avocado or some

        shinier hair.                                          mashed avocado on your cuticles.
        2. Face Mask: Avocado is great for the                 8. Massage Oil: Avocado oil can be used
        skin. Its moisturizing properties can be               as a base for massage oils. It’s thick and

        beneficial for dry skin. Combine mashed                moisturizing, making it great for deep
        avocado with ingredients like honey,                   tissue massages.

        yogurt, or oatmeal for a nourishing face               9. Ink and Dye: The seed can be boiled
        mask.                                                  to produce a natural pinkish-red dye,
        3. Natural Sunburn Relief: The oils in                 which can be used for fabrics or crafts.

        avocados can help soothe sunburned                     10. Eco-friendly Dish Soap: Some DIY
        skin. Applying mashed avocado directly                 enthusiasts use the leftover water from

        to the sunburn can provide relief.                     boiling avocado pits as a natural dish
        4. Hand and Foot Scrub: Mix mashed                     soap alternative.
        avocado with some oats and rub it on

        your hands and feet. It acts as a natural              Remember, if you’re using avocado or
        exfoliator and moisturizer.                            avocado oil on your skin, it’s always a

        5. Shaving Cream: When out of shaving                  good idea to do a patch test first to ensure
        cream, a ripe avocado can be a smooth                  you don’t have any allergic reactions.
        substitute. Its creamy texture provides a

        smooth surface for shaving.                            MIS team

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