Page 22 - September2023
P. 22

Green, Creamy, and Dreamy:

                      The Unbeatable Benefits of Avocados

        Loaded with monounsaturated fats,                      Brain Boosting If your mind feels a bit

        a mix of beneficial compounds, and                     foggy, avocados might just be the brain
        vitamins E and A, not to mention niacin  food you need. They’re packed with
        and folate, avocados offer a rich array                lutein, which is not only a superstar

        of properties beneficial for our health.               for your eyes but also a friend for your
        Let’s explore some benefits of avocados                brain. Research has found that those

        backed up by research.                                 who had avocados as a regular snack saw
                                                               improvements in their memory and
        Say Hello to Glowing Skin! Ever                        even got better at solving challenging

        wondered why some people have that                     problems. Even though avocados have
        natural glow? Avocados might be their                  just a bit of lutein, a natural antioxidant,

        secret. These green wonders are not just               our bodies seem to especially love it in
        tasty but are also loaded with skin-loving             avocado and absorb it like a sponge.
        nutrients. A study from the University

        of California found that people who eat                It looks like it is time to learn a couple
        avocados regularly ended up with younger- of exciting recipes with avocado,

        looking skin. It turned out that avocados              practice them regularly, and, in addition
        increase collagen production and act like a  to the above mentioned benefits, you
        mini-sunscreen for your skin.                          could be looking at better heart health.

                                                               Research shows that these green gems
        Reduce Belly Fat If the gym isn’t your                 have some magical properties that make

        thing, try to bring in more avocados in                our hearts happy.
        your diet. These creamy delights can
        actually help you shed some of that                    MIS Team

        annoying belly fat. In a study that lasted
        12 weeks, the women who introduced                     Disclaimer: This article is for educational

        avocado in their daily meals saw a 5%                  purposes only. The information in it is not
        drop in the kind of stubborn fat that’s not            intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis
        so easy to lose.                                       or treatment.

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