Page 4 - The First 60 Days Magazine August 2023
P. 4
Science Says...
July 7, 2023
Insecure attachment linked to higher
post-traumatic stress symptoms in youth
A new study published in Development and Psychopathology,
explores the relationship between attachment orientation
and post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) in children and
adolescents. The study aimed to comprehensively synthesize
the existing research on this topic.
The findings indicate that individuals who develop insecure
attachment are also more likely to report PTSS. This research
may mean that for those experiencing PTSS, support in
developing a more secure attachment style may be an
essential tool in treating their post-traumatic symptoms.
Years of research have made it clear that a child’s attachment
to their caregiver and the caregiver’s ability to respond to
distress are crucial factors in developing a secure attachment
Secure attachment is characterized by a positive and trusting
relationship between a child and their caregiver. Children
with secure attachment feel safe and secure in their The findings suggest that attachment plays a
caregiver’s presence and can confidently explore their significant role in the development of PTSS, with
environment. They seek comfort and support from their insecure attachment being associated with higher
caregiver when they are distressed and can regulate their symptoms. These findings have implications for
emotions effectively. interventions and highlight the importance of
In contrast, insecure attachment is characterized by a lack of promoting secure attachments to mitigate the impact
trust and insecurity in the child-caregiver relationship. of trauma. However, further research is needed to
Children with insecure attachments may be clingy or avoidant strengthen the evidence base and explore the
and struggle to regulate emotions. They may not feel complex interplay between
comfortable seeking comfort or support from their caregiver
when distressed and may have difficulty confidently exploring attachment, trauma, and PTSS
their environment. Insecure attachment can be further in young people.
divided into subtypes, such as avoidant, anxious, and
disorganized attachment, each with unique characteristics
and implications for socio-emotional development.
Story Source: July, 7, 2023
Previous research has indicated that insecure attachment and The relationship between attachment and posttraumatic stress in children and
trauma in childhood are related. Toby Cushing and his adolescents: A meta-analytic review“, was authored by Toby Cushing, Sarah
Robertson, Julia Mannes, Nicole Marshall, Mark James Carey, Robbie Duschinsky,
colleagues hypothesized that disrupted attachment may and Richard Meiser-Stedman.
contribute to post-traumatic psychopathologies. .
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