Page 5 - The First 60 Days Magazine August 2023
P. 5

Focus on a Member

     Christina Bethell                                         Promoting the Early &                      Healthy


                                                             Lifelong Health of Children

                                                             Christina works to promote data driven and relationship
                                                             and healing centered approaches to establish policies and
                                                             practices that advance positive health outcomes for
                                                             children, families and communities.

                                                             This includes research to develop the Cycle of
                                                             Engagement model and tools, which engage families to
                                                             improve well child care services and shared care planning
                                                             for children with special health care needs (CSHCN).

                                                             Dr Bethell is an avid student of human potential for
                                                             flourishing amid adversity and is dedicated to the
                                                             implementation of the collaboratively developed Prioritizing
                                                             Possibilities, a collaboratively developed national agenda to

                                                             address childhood trauma and promote a new science of
                                                             thriving in research, advocacy, teaching and practice.

                                                             She writes poetry, dances and believes that attuned
               About Christina                               connection with ourselves, life and others is the source of

                                                             our creativity and joy.

           Dr. Bethell is a Professor at Johns Hopkins       See her Well Visit Planner in the resources below.
           University in the Bloomberg School of Public
           Health, where she serves as the founding          .
           director of the Child and Adolescent Health
           Measurement Initiative and the National
           Maternal and Child Health Data Resource
           Initiative. Since 1996, Dr. Bethell has shaped the
           conversation and developed methods and
           frameworks to enable the first-ever and
           ongoing availability of national, state, local,
           health system and clinical level family-centered             
           data to promote the early and lifelong health of
           children, families and communities.
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