Page 15 - February 2024
P. 15

The planet/archetype Venus in our                      can be afraid to be alone or in any way
        birth chart symbolically describes our                 separate so refuse to say what they need

        relationships — the desire to connect,                 and feel which eventually can have some
        to relate, to express and receive love and             very severe consequences. Those severe

        affection. It is also going to show what we            consequences may not show up right
        find beautiful, what we value and what                 away, but our discomfort and unease
        gives us pleasure. No two of us are exactly            will grind away at us internally every

        alike so a big part of being true to ourselves  time we keep silent to get along. This can
        is to be able to love and value who we really  eventually take the form of dis-ease as our

        are. Our values are not just what we find              unconscious has had no other way to get
        in the outer world in aesthetics, nature and  us to be real and true to who we really are.
        pleasurable objects, but also what we can

        find in our inner world, what motivates us             We can also be afraid to appear selfish,
        to become who we came here to be.                      rock the boat or take a stand that would

                                                               risk disapproval, so it is much easier to
        The planet Venus also acts as an                       be what everyone else wants from us or
        ambassador for the Sun (the solar urge                 expects us to be.

        in us) which describes our desire is to
        affirm our identity and creatively express  Probably the biggest hurdle we will ever

        ourselves as a unique and separate                     get past in this life is to finally grow up
        individual. The sign our Venus is in, the              and cut the umbilical cord from our
        placement by house and aspects to other  parental imagos. We may be physically

        planets will show what those needs are                 separate from them; they can even have
        inherent from birth. When we express                   already left the planet and yet we can still

        our desires of what pleases us and define  be allowing their influence through our
        our own values, we are expressing our                  partners since most of us marry aspects
        individuality. As I said last month, our               of our parents although none of us would

        birth chart is who we are as well as                   willingly admit this to ourselves. We can
        who we are becoming which can take a                   even unconsciously reenact their marriage

        lifetime to develop.                                   in an attempt to heal the mother and father
                                                               complexes still driving us from below the
        We may say to ourselves, “I value who I                threshold of our conscious awareness.

        am,” but there are times in everyone’s lives
        that we do not. Suppressing or denying                 When we are afraid of loss, we stop

        our Venus function is indicative of placing  being authentic and honest with our
        too much emphasis on society’s approval                “beloved.” We begin to act. Then, we are
        and conformity at our expense. Some                    surprised when we lose the initial desire

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