Page 16 - February 2024
P. 16
and intimate connection to them we and opposites attract as we all know.
once felt because a conscious or what Most however do not know that the
Carl Jung would call an individual opposite resides in their unconscious.
relationship can exist only between two Without a withdrawal of this projective
equals, two adults who are individuals. identification with our partners, the
same story and primal wound in our
In the infatuation stage, we will try history will repeat.
to become who they wanted us to
be and our partners can become the In Ego and Archetype, Ed Edinger
living embodiment of our unconscious said that “Jesus recognized the danger
dependency on our parents’ for care and of psychic infection with parents and
approval. In accepting and contributing family” by his contrary statements about
to this shadow dance, we become our not bringing peace but a sword to divide
own worst enemy. and he admonished us about leaving our
mother and father.
Brugh Joy in the book, Avalanche,
Heretical Reflections of the Dark and the Edinger says, “Such identifications must
Light says, be dissolved because an awareness of
“My informal impression at this time is radical separateness is a prerequisite for
that in most, if not all, first marriages, individuation.” The danish philosopher
both partners, at unconscious levels, Kierkegaard who had the Sun conjunct
have transferred the necessary Venus in Taurus said, “the most common
incestuous bondings between the form of despair is not being who we are
infant/child and the counter-gender but what’s worse is trying to be someone
parent to the marital partner. There we are not.” He expressed that to be
may be other reasons for a relationship an individual, we had to have choice.
between two particular individuals, but Knowing ourselves, valuing what we
if the initial aspects of the relationship choose to become gives us our own
included anything closely resembling experience of God not replaceable by any
falling in love,” the incestuous parent/ particular doctrine, creed or partner. We
child aspects are surely present.” cannot make Gods and Goddesses out of
human beings.
I’ve looked at many birth charts of
couples and can see how their parents’ The Venus part of us also says we have an
energy is present in their partners inherent need for balance, cooperation
as the same energy is also present and compromise. Are we willing to take
in themselves. Like does attract like turns with our partners? Do we meet each