Page 27 - October 2020
P. 27

Cooking for Healing

       Apple Cobbler

                                             Stephanie Davidian

          It’s no secret that apples are incredible health wise, what with them keeping doctors away!
          October is the best time to go to an apple orchard or pick up some organic, local apples to
                                     make this delicious and easy apple cobbler!

        Ingredients                                            In a sauce pan, mix the brown sugar, water,
                                                               lemon juice, cornstarch, vanilla, cinnamon,

        Dry                                                    nutmeg and salt. Stir in the apples. Cook on
        Six apples, either granny smith or golden              medium heat for about five minutes, then pour
        delicious                                              into the pan.
        One cup apple juice
        One third cup brown sugar                              Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, milk,
        One tablespoon cornstarch                              and melted butter in a large bowl.Pour the
        One tablespoon lemon juice                             batter over the apples, and top lightly with more
        One half teaspoon vanilla extract                      ground cinnamon.
        One teaspoon ground cinnamon

        One half teaspoon ground nutmeg                        Bake for forty minutes, or until a toothpick
        One eighth teaspoon salt                               test comes out clean. Allow to cool for ten to
                                                               fifteen minutes.
        One cup all purpose flour                              Enjoy!
        One cup sugar
        Two teaspoons baking poder
        One fourth teaspoon salt
        Three fourths cup milk
        Five tablespoons melted butter
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        Preheat the oven to 350 F.
        Spray a nine by thirteen baking dish with
        cooking spray. Peel and slice the apples.

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