Page 10 - September2024
P. 10

The Jupiter-Saturn Square:

              Revisiting Tecumseh’s Curse

          The article intertwines astrology with history, highlighting the eerie
         pattern known as “Tecumseh’s Curse,” which links presidential fates

                                           with planetary positions.

        Part I                                                 which always accompanies the attempt
                                                               to overthrow the old Gods in favor of the

        Every 20 years, the transiting cycle of                next generation.  In myth, this recurring
        Jupiter and Saturn forms a conjunction                 theme is frequently depicted when the
        (joining) of these two socially influential            young hero must overthrow the tyrannical

        forces, serving to redefine social                     king to win the throne.  Saturn/Cronos
        consciousness and shift our collective                 overthrew Uranus, only to suffer the same

        perception of reality.   As the new                    fate when his son, Zeus/Jupiter, overthrew
        awareness and resulting vision of Jupiter              him so that the new generation could rule
        collides and clashes with the traditional              Humankind.  It is truly a tale as old as

        social structures and systems of Saturn                time.
        adopted to support it, dramatic social

        change is inevitable.  Just as individuals             The current Jupiter/Saturn cycle began
        must grow and evolve according to the                  with the conjunction at 0 degrees of
        times, so must the societies that they have  Aquarius on December 21, 2020.  We

        created.  Social evolution takes time, and             are now experiencing the first critical
        there are critical points within the 20-year  period of the cycle, the separating square,

        cycle when the awareness of the “new                   which always presents us with some
        world view” reaches critical mass, and the  form of social/cultural “crisis” to which
        existing social structures can no longer               we must respond collectively. Due to the

        serve their function.  Most significantly,             retrograde motion of both planets, there
        for the astrologers among us, are those                will be three exact squares of Jupiter

        that occur approximately every five years:  and Saturn, so this phase of the cycle
        The separating square, the opposition,                 is in play from August 19, 2024 (the
        and the approaching square.  During                    first exact square at the critical mutable

        these periods, the challenges between the              degree of 17 Gemini/Pisces) through
        “old world order” and the new intensify,               June 15, 2025 (the third exact square at

        as does the turmoil and social discord                 the critical cardinal degree of 01 Aries/

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