Page 16 - September2024
P. 16
Ancient Stones, Modern Healing:
The Role of Crystals in Chakra Alignment
Crystals have long been revered for their being. Here’s how chakra balancing with
beauty, but their allure goes beyond mere crystals typically works:
aesthetics. For centuries, these natural
formations have been used in spiritual Each of the seven main chakras
practices to influence and enhance our corresponds to a specific color and area of
state of consciousness. But how do these the body. Different crystals are associated
ancient stones interact with our mental with each chakra based on their color,
and emotional landscapes? vibrational frequency, and metaphysical
properties. Here’s a brief overview:
Crystals are known to hold specific
vibrational frequencies that resonate • Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located
with the energy fields of living beings. at the base of the spine; associated
This resonance can subtly shift our with grounding, stability, and survival.
mental states, helping to align our Crystals: Red jasper, hematite, black
thoughts and emotions with higher tourmaline.
frequencies of consciousness.
• Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Located
Chakra balancing with crystals is a just below the navel; associated with
holistic healing practice that aims to creativity, sexuality, and emotions. Crystals:
restore the flow of energy through the Carnelian, orange calcite, moonstone.
body’s seven main chakras, or energy
centers. Each chakra corresponds to • Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):
specific physical, emotional, and spiritual Located in the upper abdomen;
aspects of our being, and when one associated with personal power,
or more chakras become blocked or confidence, and willpower. Crystals:
imbalanced, it can lead to various forms Citrine, yellow jasper, tiger’s eye.
of discomfort or dis-ease. Crystals are
used in this practice because they have • Heart Chakra (Anahata): Located
specific vibrational frequencies that in the center of the chest; associated
resonate with the energies of the chakras, with love, compassion, and emotional
helping to clear blockages, restore balance. Crystals: Rose quartz, green
balance, and promote overall well- aventurine, jade.