Page 17 - September2024
P. 17

• Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):                           the flow of energy. Setting intentions is a

        Located at the throat; associated with                 crucial element when balancing chakras
        communication, self-expression, and                    with crystals, as it directs and amplifies

        truth. Crystals: Lapis lazuli, blue lace               the healing energy of the stones. By
        agate, aquamarine.                                     consciously focusing your thoughts and

                                                               desires on specific outcomes—such as
        • Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Located                     releasing negative emotions, enhancing
        between the eyebrows; associated                       self-love, or achieving spiritual clarity—

        with intuition, insight, and spiritual                 you align the vibrational energy of the
        awareness. Crystals: Amethyst, sodalite,               crystals with your personal goals. This

        lapis lazuli.                                          intentionality not only deepens the
                                                               connection between you and the crystals
        • Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Located                    but also empowers the healing process,

        at the top of the head; associated with                making it more purposeful and effective.
        spiritual connection, enlightenment, and  In essence, intentions serve as a bridge

        higher consciousness. Crystals: Clear                  between the physical and energetic
        quartz, amethyst, selenite.                            realms, guiding the crystals to work
                                                               in harmony with your unique path to

        When placed on or near the chakra,                     balance and well-being.
        the crystal’s energy resonates with and

        influence the chakra, helping to clear                 Jeane Clark
        blockages, restore balance, and harmonize              Energy healer and Teacher

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