Page 17 - January 2021
P. 17
a prosperous beginning to marital life. making it lighter and easier to digest.
Rice has many wonderful qualities that Another method is soaking rice for at
make it so desirable. least 1 hour prior to cooking, to achieve
the same effect.
The ancient ayurvedic texts contain
several shlokas on the attributes of rice. It The texts also state, rice dishes such
is conducive to the maintenance of good as khitchari, made of old rice and
health and should be consumed often.3 mung beans is useful for treating many
Of the myriad of rice varieties, the best is illnesses. Rice gruel with ghee is good
rakta shali (red rice). This is followed by for nourishing the pregnant mother
shashtika rice (harvested in 60 days), of and helping the fetus to grow. Rice
which the white variety is superior to the wash water (tandulodaka) is used for
black variety. Brown rice is unprocessed, treating bleeding, leucorrhea, and other
has a high vitamin content and medium disorders.
glycemic index, and is very nutritive.
On the other hand, eating polished There are bountiful ways to prepare this
rice, such as parboiled or instant, is not beautiful grain, which promote good
recommended because it has less vitamin health and are tasty – from spicy, vegetable
value and less Prana (life force). pulav and biryani to chapatti (flat bread),
soup, idli (steamed rice and dhal cakes)
Rice has a sweet taste, is light, soft, and dosa (pancakes). In the New Year, I
smooth and nourishing; it is cooling in hope you all can take time to cook healthy
nature and good for balancing Vata (air/ meals, find many peaceful movements, and
space elements, governing movement) stay grounded despite the outer tumult.
and Pitta (fire element, governing May your good health include rice as an
digestion). New rice is heavy and can integral part of the regimen!
increase Kapha (earth/water elements,
governing grounding), but 1- or 2-year- Uma Hingorani
old rice does not. For this reason, old
rice is wholesome to eat in diabetes References
and obesity, by promoting diuresis. It 1. Pongal (festival) - Wikipedia
is worth finding out how old the rice is 2. Top 10 Rice Consuming Countries -
that we are eating. It is also worth taking WorldAtlas
extra time to dry roast rice over heat, 3. Ayurvedic Facts About Rice - Santa Cruz
Ayurveda 17