Page 25 - January 2021
P. 25
into the unique details of a Soul’s incarnating is to have experiences that will
evolution for every single individual. liberate us from the death-grip of the ego.
Suffice it to say that each person in the For virtually all of us who incarnate on
exact same situation, for example in a war this planet, completing the life mission of
torn country, will be gleaning different awakening to the Divine in such a dense
and utterly unique life experiences and and fear-ridden reality is so powerful
lessons. For example, one person may and compelling that we JOYFULLY and
feel like a victim while another may WILLINGLY want to come here for this
realize inner strengths they never knew experience. It is the forgetting and the
they had (or an infinite number of other re-remembering under such seemingly
possibilities). The point is that all life impossible conditions that makes Self-
experiences, for each individual, are Realization so awesome, stunning and
designed to facilitate awakening in the marvelous beyond words.
most efficient and Loving way possible for
that individual. Why is the world so full of greed, cruelty
and suffering?
Hence, we may begin to marvel at the
Infinite Intelligence and Love of the There is only one answer – the EGO.
Divine and its ability to oversee and Virtually all of humanity is currently
orchestrate something that is both possessed by the ego. What do I mean
extraordinarily complex as well as by ego? It is a self-identity that is based
overwhelmingly compelling in a way that on a concept or mental image (“self-
is ultimately and individually Liberating image”) rather than on real Life itself.
and Loving. If this seems impossible and Because it is not real, not actually living,
unbelievable, perhaps that is precisely the but only an image, there is a persistent
purpose of this life – to go from trying and excruciatingly disturbing feeling
to understand Infinite Life from a tiny of lack. Lack of safety, lack of security,
finite mind, to directly experiencing the lack of LOVE, lack of wholeness, lack of
Intelligence and Love of Divine Energy. power, lack of worth, etc. In addition,
this delusion makes one feel separate
It seems incomprehensible that we would from all of Life including nature and
choose to be born into a war-torn country other humans. The combination of the
(as just one example). However, consider flimsy sense of self together with the
that those choices were made before experience of being separate from Life
incarnation from a Higher Realm where makes one feel exceptionally vulnerable.
we had full awareness of our overall Soul This is the cause for all greed, cruelty
mission/path as well as Guidance from and suffering. Greed and cruelty are
Higher Beings. The primary purpose of responses to that pervasive sense of lack 25