Page 12 - How to teach reading with heart
P. 12
The Most Difficult Task for the Brain to Learn
Part I A professor stated years ago that our
brains are wired for survival, not for
As we all sit in our isolation learning to read. My years of studying to
contemplating what our future world be a knowledgeable reading and dyslexia
holds for us, it came to me to take this teacher have verified his statement.
time and write on a subject that is dear We have to build the connections in
to my heart. That subject being, how can our brains to learn to read and not all
we teach all children to be successful children build the connectors at the same
readers? Think about your own life and pace or in the same manner.
where you would be if you could not
read. Now, know that there are children Ways you, as parents and guardians, can
in multiples of thousands in this country guide children into the wonderful world of
alone who cannot read. As I give my reading. Set a schedule, create a structure
isolation purpose by homeschooling my for this important time. Make it special.
youngest granddaughter via facetime,
it came to me what a wonderful Pre-school - Kindergarten:
opportunity we have to focus on reading
with our children during this ‘enforced’ A delicate age, an age where it all begins.
family time.
The first item that I must state. Please do
I say that with tongue in cheek because of not teach your child the alphabet song! I
some parents pulling their hair out by now. know I am being sacrilegious, horrifying
every kindergarten teacher. But, take a
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