Page 14 - How to teach reading with heart
P. 14
Your part: observe, make note of any letters Just think of the conversations the two of
where there is hesitation, time the activity you can have about eating the letter “G.”
without stressing you are timing them. You have just saturated your child with
the letter “G,” by using all five senses.
Child’s part: to become so adept
at this activity they can complete it First Grade - Second Grade:
smoothly, without any hesitation in less Listening and Reading with children
than 2 minutes.
Many of you have memories of an adult
If you notice your child struggles with reading you a bedtime story. Go back in
some of the letters, it is time to use some your mind and recall the atmosphere. The
creative ways to help. Now, that we are all room was quiet, the lights were dim, and
at home, there are many ways to saturate you had an adult’s undivided attention.
a child with the alphabet. My thought It was your special time. A way to take
would be to bake brownies or cookies advantage of our isolation and nourish a
then with the tubes of icing from the store love of reading is to make it special. Just
I would write the letters my child needs like the younger children, there is a need
help with on top of the brownies/cookies. to engage all five senses in a struggling
This adds the sense of touch and smell.