Page 37 - How to teach reading with heart
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used from the kindergarten engage students in improving their own
classroom through middle reading skills. An additional positive I
school, and even beyond found is that by using picture books undo
. For example, you could attention is not given to the struggling
never read the beautifully reader, plus it allows them to keep up with
illustrated, nonfiction, more efficient readers. Which in turn
Faithful Elephants by Yukio builds self esteem and confidence that is
Tsuchiya to a class level lacking in struggling students.
below fifth grade. There
would be tears everywhere Now I would like to guide you through a
and parent calls after classroom read of a picture book. There
school. Yet, I have used it are two picture books I liked to begin
when teaching my World the year with, unfortunately, the one my
War II unit in fifth grade. It students liked the most is hard to find.
is a profound read that stirs It is Fishing Sunday by Tony Johnston. If
emotions and gives a harsh you ever find Fishing Sunday it is great for
picture of the realities of character analysis. The other book is Knots
war. When we finished on a Counting Rope by Bill Martin and
our reading they all wrote John Archambault. It is not a coincidence
profusely in their reading that both books are intergenerational. It is
notebooks or expressed very calming for a student to use a book
their feelings about the that allows them to make a connection
story by drawing pictures. to the text. Most have a grandparent or
When a child makes an grandparent figure in their lives and you
emotional connection to can almost hear the sigh of relief as they
text it is not forgotten. exhale and relax as our first lesson begins.
There are not enough Knots on a Counting Rope is a
positive words for me multisensory, sensitive tale of a Navajo
to describe the benefits Indian grandfather giving strength to his
of using picture books grandson, who is blind. My goal for this
as a tool for teaching book is to introduce multisensory reading
reading skills. In my and to have the student feel emotion for
opinion, picture books in these characters. I also want them to be
conjunction with student able to go back to their reading notebook
created reading notebooks to write or draw about the emotions as
are a phenomenal way to they feel them. Children want to express 37 37