Page 4 - August 2023
P. 4

The Journey of Archetypes

                                                                                  Part V

        The Prostitute Archetype:

        The Prostitute Archetype reflects                      If we explore the nature of a physical
        our desires for security and survival,                 prostitute, we find a few key ingredients.

        sometimes leading to compromises and                   A physical prostitute does not have
        undervaluing ourselves. By nurturing                   boundaries or self-worth.  He or she

        self-worth and self-esteem, we empower                 allows themselves to be used, abused,
        ourselves to negotiate from a place of                 and taken advantage of for a guaranteed
        strength, setting clear boundaries and                 payout.  There is no evidence of values,

        expectations.                                          self-esteem, or connection to personal
                                                               power.  It is simply a transaction with

        Welcome back to your archetypal                        elements of compromise, negotiation,
        journey!  On this journey thus far, we                 and manipulation.
        have explored the essence of archetypes

        and the four survival archetypes that are  The prostitute is always looking for
        at the root of the healing journey.  In the  “a guarantee.”  This guarantee might
        past few months, we explored the nature  be in the form of loyalty, a steady

        of the child archetype, the saboteur, and              paycheck, or any aspect of physical
        inner victim.  This month, we are going                survival.  For example, we may work

        to dive into the prostitute archetype.                 for a boss who abuses us or we may
                                                               work for a company that is not aligned

        The prostitute is the part of us that                  with our beliefs or values.  Although it
        compromises or negotiates.  It is the                  is far from aligned or ideal, the steady
        archetype that allows ourselves to be                  paycheck keeps us from leaving the

        taken advantage of.  It is also the part of            position.  We may stay in a marriage
        us that can manipulate or take advantage  that is abusive or not aligned because

        of others.  The prostitute has one goal                of financial security.  Or we may simply
        in mind: security and ensuring physical                allow ourselves to be taken advantage
        survival.  The prostitute will essentially             of in a relationship through playing the

        do anything (including sell itself) to                 role of the people pleaser.  The people
        ensure safety, security, and survival.                 pleaser is an expression of the prostitute

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