Page 5 - March 2021
P. 5
Table 1
Vata Body-Mind: Pitta Body-Mind: Kapha Body-Mind:
Thin build Medium build Larger build
Doesn’t gain weight very easily Balanced weight Tendency to gain weight
Quick to learn, but easy to forget Sharp intellect Slow to learn, but slow to forget
Enthusiastic & vivacious Goal-oriented, purposeful Sweet & even-tempered
Feels cold easily Feels hot easily Dislikes cold and damp weather
Balanced Vata: Balanced Pitta: Balanced Kapha:
Energetic Perfectionist (“Type A”) Stable temperament
Learns easily Strong intelligence Good long-term memory
Clear & alert mind Radiant, glowing skin Healthy, robust physiology
Falls asleep easily at bedtime Sleeps through the night Strength & stamina
Balanced digestion and elimination Strong digestion Compassionate & affectionate
Good circulation, even body Inner peace and happiness Sound sleep
Unbalanced Vata: Unbalanced Pitta: Unbalanced Kapha:
Tired and fatigued Controlling, fieriness Gains weight easily, sluggish digestion
Forgetful, lack of focus Workaholic tendency Prone to sinus & respiratory issues
Difficulty falling asleep Overheated, excess stomach acid Lazy tendency
Constipation tendency Skin rashes & acne Feelings of sadness
Cold feet and hands Interrupted sleep Difficulty waking up
Anxiety and worry feelings Loose bowel movements Food cravings
Now, we can connect the dots between the Table 1 above. Are you vata/pitta with
Panchamahabhoota and the tridoshas. The a little kapha? Kapha/pitta with a little
word dosha refers to how the five basic vata? Or are you pitta predominant?
elements are grouped into the principles
of vata, pitta and kapha. Vata consists of Emotions, thoughts, actions and
air + ether, pitta, of fire + water and kapha, personality are all influenced by the
of water + earth. Each being has different doshas. Seasons, time of day, and foods
amounts of vata, pitta and kapha that also affect them. I happen to be vata
make-up their unique psycho-physiologic predominant, with pitta a close second.
state. It’s common for a person to have one In the cold, dry of wintertime, my vata
or two predominant doshas. is definitely vitiated and high. Add to
that the anxiety and worry dominating
Vata governs all bodily movements our current world, and it’s no wonder
(nervous + skeletomuscular systems), I’ve been having attacks of anxiety! To
pitta oversees metabolism (digestion, help lower my vata and bring it back
enzymes, and hormones) and kapha is into alignment, I took time one day to
responsible for lubrication and structure massage my body with oil and took a hot
of the body (grounding and stability). shower after soaking for 30 minutes. I
Of course, this is just a little taste of ate fresh ginger and turmeric followed
the doshas. To find out more about the by hot water to bring heat into my body.
doshas and what your doshic state is, see I’ve also been eating a handful of nuts 5