Page 6 - March 2021
P. 6

at vata time (2 to 6pm), yams, avocados                When in a natural state of balance, each
        and wheat to give strength to my body.                 living organism lives harmoniously with
        Finally, I make sure to cover my head,                 its surroundings. When out of balance,

        ears and body from the cold and wind                   the doshas become vitiated (toxic) and
        when I walk the dogs and go outside. All  illnesses may manifest. Ayurveda seeks to

        of this helped ground me immensely.                    treat and prevent disease by rebalancing
                                                               doshas, starting at the root of the problem,
        Similarly, if kapha is vitiated and                    with our everyday eating and living

        excessive, then eating foods that are light,  habits. Understanding the doshas and the
        easy to digest but also pungent (spicy),               elements they come from can promote

        bitter, and astringent can bring it back               self-care and healing in ourselves and
        into balance (cooked kale, bittergourd,                others. Wishing you much love on your
        barley). Avoiding humidity, skipping                   journey toward health!

        breakfast, and eating the biggest meal
        at mid-day can also re-align kapha. If                 Uma Hingorani

        pitta is in excess, it can be normalized               Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ashoka Holistic
        by avoiding overly spicy, sour and salty               Ayurveda, LLC
        foods and consuming foods with a

        cooling effect (such as cilantro, coconut              References:
        water, fresh ginger). It’s also important to  1. Diagnosis by Ayurveda, Treatment by

        stay hydrated and cool on hot, summer                  Chinese Medicine | World Vitae
        days to keep pitta from going haywire.                 2. Lad, Vasant. The Textbook of Ayurveda,
        To sum up, living beings are a microcosm               Volume One. The Ayurvedic Press:

        of the universal macrocosm. Just as                    Albuquerque, 2002
                                                               3. Ever heard of Vata, Pitta and Kapha? | The
        all universal matter consists of the five              Blue Planet For The Home Sweet Homers

        elements, so does everything on earth.                 (
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