Page 144 - Burxanova D. Tuproq_fizikasi va iqlim o'quv qo'llanma
P. 144
№ O‘zbekcha Inglizcha
1 Tuproq – bu nurash po‘stlog‘idan gumusning The presence of soil erosion rind humus kind
mavjudligi, o‘ziga xos morfologiyasi, ierarxik of morphology , the hierarchical structure of
strukturasi, global funksiyasi bilan farq the global function with different specific How
qiladigan spetsifik biokos tabiiy jismning yangi natural substance is the result of the new
yaralmasi natijasidir damned
2 Tuproqning mexanik tarkibi. Dala sharoitida Mechanical composition of the soil .
urganilayotganda mexanik tarkibi tashqi Urganilayotganda in the field of mechanical
belgilari asosida va barmoqlar orasida ezgilab fingers on the basis of the content of external
taxminan qancha qum va loy zarrachalari signs and in summer about how much will be
borligiga qarab aniqlanadi. determined based on the presence of sand and
clay particles
3 Tuproq strukturasi. Tuproqning alohida agregat The structure of the soil . Soil aggregate pine (
bulaklar (donachalar) ga ajralib ketishiga tuproq grains ) is called away from the soil structure .
strukturasi deyiladi. Bu agregatlar turli mexanik It aggregates various mechanical elements are
elementlarning bir-biriga birikishidan hosil formed by uniting with each other
4 Tuproq qovushmasi - tuproq zichligi va Soil - soil density and G'ovakligining external
g‘ovakligining tashqi ifodasidir manifestation
5 J u d a z i ch q o v u sh m a - tuproq chuqurini Very Set it in a pit with a shovel of soil digged
belkurak bilan kavlashning deyarli imkoni yuq, virtually no lines or use the firm
misrang yoki metindan foydalanishga to‘g‘ri
6 Z i ch q o v u sh m a - chuqur ketmon yoki Deep using a hoe or a shovel mining more
belkurak yordamida ancha qiyinlik bilan difficult . Such a concentration of heavy loams
kavlanadi. Bunday zichlik og‘ir qumoq va soz and loamy mechanical composition of soil
mexanik tarkibli tuproqning illyuvial girizonti illyuvial characteristic girizonti
uchun xarakterli
7 G‘ o v a k q o v u sh m a - chuqur oson G o c a k q o c Set it easy m deep in the ground
kovlanadi, belkurak bilan tashlangan tuproq , out of the soil with a shovel small bunches of
mayda bulaklarga sochilib ketadi. Uvoqli pine . Uvak - grained , structured loamy and
donador, strukturali qumoq va soz tuproqlar loamy soils and etiltirib expelled from the
hamda etiltirib ishlov berilgan tuproqlarning treated soil layer to the original
haydalma qatlami uchun xos
8 S o ch i l m a q o v u sh m a - qumli va qumloq S ch o i l m a q m o c Set it in a dry, sandy and
tarkibli tuproqlarning quruq haydalma sandy loam soil characteristic of horizontal cut
gorizontlari uchun xarakterli
9 Mexanik elementlar va agregatlar Mechanical components and aggregates
10 Tuproqning disperslik va strukturalik The coefficient of dispersion and the soil
koeffitsienti structure
11 Tuproqning mexanik tarkibini o‘rganishni The importance of the study of the structure of
qishloq xo‘jaligidagi ahamiyati the soil mechanical agriculture
12 Tuproqning haj va solishtirma og‘irligi va Size and specific surface area and porosity of
g‘ovakligi the soil
13 Tuproqning umumiy fizik xossalarini yaxshilash To improve the physical properties of the soil
14 Tuproqlarning fizik-mexanik xossalari haqida A common understanding about the physical
umumiy tushuncha va ularning ahamiyati and mechanical properties of soils and their
15 Tuproq strukturasi va ularning turlari. Tuproq Soil structure and their types. Violation of the
strukturasini buzilishi. Tuproq strukturasini structure of the soil. Artificial soil structure
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