Page 145 - Burxanova D. Tuproq_fizikasi va iqlim o'quv qo'llanma
P. 145
16 Tuproq suvi va ularning shakllari. Tuproqning Water and soil types. Water properties of the
suv xossalari. soil
17 Tuproqning maksimal vagigroskopik namligi The soil maximum moisture vagigroskopik
18 Suv o‘tkazuvchanligi va ko‘taruvchanligi And water-carrying capacity
19 O‘zbekiston tuproqlarining suv rejimi Soil-water regime Uzbekistan
20 Tuproqning havo o‘tkazuvchanligi va rejimi The air permeability of the soil and the regime
21 Tuproq yuzasi haroratining sutkalik va yillik Soil surface temperature daily and annual
o‘zgarishi. change
22 Tuproqning pastki qatlamlarida issiqlikning Heating the lower layers of the soil migration
ko‘chish qonuniyatlari laws
23 Relef, o‘simlik va qor qoplamining tuproq Topography, vegetation and snow cover the
haroratiga ta’siri effect of soil temperature
24 Mulchalashning tuproqning issiqlik rejimiga Mulchalashning the influence of the thermal
ta’siri regime of the soil
25 Tuproqning elektr o‘tkazuvchanligi va haroratga And the temperature dependence of the
bog‘liqliligi electrical conductivity of the soil
26 O‘zbekiston sharoitida tuproqlarning Soil salinity elektrokonduk determined using
sho‘rlanganligini elektrokonduk tometrik uslub the method tometrik and Uzbekistan
yordamida aniqlash
27 Tuproqning magnitlilik xususiyatlar ini o‘lchash Methods of measurement of magnetic
uslublari properties of the soil
28 Tuproqning radioaktivligi haqida tushuncha. The concept of the radioactive soil. Natural
Tuproqdagi tabiiy radioaktiv elementlari radioactive elements in the soil
29 Tuproqlarda sun’iy radioizotoplarning Artificial soil is used for migration
30 Tuproqning radioaktiv ifloslanishiga qarshi Measures against radioactive contamination of
kurash choralari the soil