Page 11 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 11
Message from the Editorial team
Dear Readers, but to weave them together
As we unveil the latest edition seamlessly, forming a
of "Expressions," the annual cohesive narrative that
magazine of the Literary celebrates the boundless
Club, it is our pleasure to spectrum of human
present to you a collection of imagination.
literary marvels meticulously
curated and adorned by our Navigating the labyrinth of
diligent design artisans. themes and motifs presented
in this year's submissions was
Each page of this publication no small feat. It required a
bears witness to the delicate balance of intuition
unwavering commitment of and discernment to ensure
our team to elevate the that each element of our
written word to a realm of design complemented and
aesthetic splendor. With quill enhanced the essence of the
in hand and minds attuned to accompanying text or
the nuances of artistic artwork. Yet, it was in this
expression, we embarked on a challenge that we found
journey to transform mere inspiration, pushing the
text into a visual symphony boundaries of our creativity
that resonates with the soul. to new heights with each
The diversity of submissions stroke of the pen and flourish
we received this year was a of the brush.
testament to the multifaceted
nature of human creativity. As you immerse yourselves in
From poignant prose to the pages of "Expressions,"
whimsical verse, and from we invite you to embark on a
striking illustrations to journey of exploration and
evocative imagery, each discovery. May the stories
contribution brought its own within ignite your
unique flavour to the tapestry imagination, the poems stir
of "Expressions". Our task, your emotions, and the
then, was not merely to artwork transport you to
arrange these disparate distant realms of wonder and
pieces within the confines of delight!
our pages,