Page 8 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 8

A note from the convenor

             “Savour  language  and  words
                                                             The     wisdom        to     appropriately
             because  no  matter  what  anyone
                                                             utilize  all  resources,  especially
             tells  you,  words  and  ideas  have
                                                             time,  energy,  and  intelligence,  an
             the power to change the world”.
                                                             open-mindedness,  to  respect  and
                                                             embrace diverse perspectives and a
             Warm greetings to all. I salute all
                                                             spirit  tempered  with  gentleness
             the  luminaries  who  have  been
                                                             and unflagged enthusiasm are vital
             instrumental  in  upholding  the
                                                             for collective success.
             ethos of the literary club through
             the  years.  It  is  a  proud  privilege
                                                             “You must strive to find your own
             for me to reflect on the evolution
                                                             voice  and  the  longer  you  wait  to
             of  the  club  over  the  years  from
                                                             begin,  the  less  likely  you  are  to
             the  strong  foundation  laid  more
                                                             find it at all. “
             than  three  decades  ago  .  The
             culmination          of      year      long
                                                             Faith  in  ourselves  and  faith  in  the
             activities,  is  a  celebration  of
                                                             Divine Power bring success. Let us
             cherished  memories  and  also  a
                                                             move  forward  together,  inspired
             reminder  of  the  vital  roles  that
                                                             and  ready  to  make  a  lasting
             each one has to play in fortifying
                                                             impression. I bid adieu hoping that
             this  close knit family structure.
                                                             the    wonderful        journey      of    the
             In    our      quest      to    foster      a
                                                             literary club - journey of reflection
             progressing,         progressive        and
                                                             and  rediscovery,  of  opportunities
             prosperous        community,         it    is
                                                             and  hopes  and  of  synergy  and
             imperative to be conscious of our
                                                             togetherness        -    continues       with
             responsibilities,  both  personal
                                                             renewed  vigour,  reaffirming  the
             and social. To face the challenges
                                                             belief  that  when  we  come  together
             of  adversity,  we  require  a  clear
                                                             with       a     shared         sense       of
             vision, direction, and unwavering
                                                             responsibility ,we can truly make a
             motivation.         Our       dedication,
                                                             difference in the world.
             determination,  and  commitment
             that  spring  from  a  profound
             sense  of  duty  are  essential  for
             maintaining  the  equilibrium  of
             our  societal  ecosystem.  We  may
             have  our  own  limitations  and
             shortcomings,  but  trying  to  do
             our best in whatever field we are
                                                                                        Dr. Shanthi Simon
             can  add  immeasurable  value  and                                     Convenor, The Literary Club
             create  a  significant  difference,                                           Professor
                                                                                       Department of HSS
             not just for ourselves but also for
             those around us.

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