Page 5 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 5

Message from the Vice - Chancellor

                          I am delighted to learn of the release of the annual
                          magazine  of  the  Literary  Club  of  Puducherry
                          Technological University. I offer my congratulations
                          to everyone involved in producing this publication,
                          as  it  provides  a  valuable  platform  for  students  to
                          express  their  views  on  a  variety  of  issues  of
                          importance. In today’s world, discussions on issues
                          plaguing  the  world,  like  climate  change,  diversity
                          and  equity  initiatives,  the  meteoric  advances  in

                          Artificial Intelligence and many others are the need
                          of the hour.

                          The  Literary  Club  has  been  an  enigmatic  entity,
                          encouraging  students  to  discuss  and  ponder,
                          challenging  students  to  think  of  solutions  to
                          society's  challenges  and  fostering  spirited  debate
                          and inclusive dialogue. The conduct of events at the
                          University  level  enables  students  from  different
                          disciplines  of  Engineering  and  Humanities  to
                          engage  in  the  exchange  of  views  on  inter-
                          disciplinary  issues  and  challenges.  I  send  my
                          sincere greetings to the team behind "Expressions"
                          and  the  Literary  Club  for  their  role  in  fostering  an

                          environment where civil discussions are encouraged
                          and solutions are forged on common ground.

                          A  special  appreciation  to  Prof.  Dr.  Shanthi  Simon,
                          who  has  spear  headed  the  literary  club  of
                          Puducherry  Technological  University  in  a  very
                          effective  way  and  involving  many  students  to  take
                          part in the literary club activities.

                                                        Dr. S. Mohan
                                                   Hon’ble Vice - Chancellor

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