Page 60 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 60

This     disturbance         necessitates         the      fight      for     gay      rights

             mental        leaps       and       causes        progressed,         there       was       an
             enormous          psychological         and       opposing  trend  about  women's
             societal  suffering.  Essentially,  it            trajectories.  The  recasting  of
             has  initiated  the  discussion  on               hardware             as          software,
             whether  sex  and  chromosomes                    considering                     biological
             are       fundamental            hardware         differences  between  men  and
             concerns,                    irreversible         women as fluid social constructs,
             components  of  our  lives.  Until                has  become  a  core  issue  that  is
             recently,  it  was  widely  assumed               causing  enormous  upheaval.  It
             that  whether  a  person  is  born                indicates        that      women         are
             male  or  female  was  genetically                fundamentally          different       from
             determined. Simultaneously, as                    what      was     previously       known,
                                                               rendering                         previous
                                                               understanding           about       gender

                                                               differences  and  how  to  negotiate
                                                               them             obsolete.              The
                                                               accompanying            rage,       violent
                                                               misandry, double-think, and self-
                                                               delusion  all  originate  from  the
                                                               expectation  that  we  dramatically
                                                               modify  our  lives  and  society
                                                               based  on  statements  that  seem
                                                               impossible at first.

                                                          Shivashish Roy

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