Page 65 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 65

Would wish and insist that it not be diminishing so,
                              Yet uncertainty does linger for ‘Expressions’,
                               In-charge of or extraordinary evangelist for,
                               Grateful am I for them opportunities galore.

                                With disused arsenal and rusty magazines,
                               Gaping world wounds and closed up diction,

                             Pardon incarnadine metaphors, yet benevolent,
                            Competitiveness Curioso had in abundance lent,
                         Yet still I do manage, for I’ve been blessed with great
                                                teachers all along,
                           Teaching life, language, values and everything with
                                                  love for so long,
                         To stand my ground, hold my own and battle with the
                                                    best of them,
                             Recollect a sentence casing debate for customer
                                          messaging recently at work,
                        Where I could drive and influence with confidence and
                                                 not think to shirk,
                         Albeit being out of touch. Another day, a poem I found
                                                   myself inking,
                         On a baby shower card and Greatness comes to mind,
                                             for the last time I wrote,
                         Was due to Shasi Mam. Yet when I told her of this, she
                                                   had no inkling,

                          Of the impact of not just her encouragement but also
                                              pushes almost by rote,
                         Such blasts from the past - moral boosts that leave my
                                                   eyes twinkling.

                             Encouragement is not easy; pushes even harder,
                             But to push with high success rate is Herculean,
                                    Graceful Greatness gives gifts galore,
                                  It’s easy to pitch an idea; Realized did I,
                           When pitching for the first drama in PEC history -
                                               Taming of the Shrew,
                            With so much support, trust and valiant backing,
                                            Greatness came through,
                           For permissions and red tape, through admin block


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