Page 66 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 66

She lead the way and bankrolled it when needed too;
                                         But for accolades and praises,
                        She stayed away from the limelight, Selfless in thought
                                           and a well wisher for a lot,
                          Helped, counseled, mentored and organized a lot for
                                                 the benefit of all,
                        Above and beyond, for the sake of students She did haul
                                                   and stand tall,
                         When others had the gall to intimidate, discourage or
                              Those treading the path not taken, say various
                        Like drama, literary activities or many more, nothing in

                         But all that helps and grows one’s overall personality,
                                                     as a whole.

                            Food… Greatest form of love someone wise said,
                              In abundance Greatness did treat all students,
                         How uplifting home cooked food can be, to hostellers
                          Away from home, to receive such care and affection.
                          Words can’t fathom the level of thankfulness I have,
                         For everything, from not only a chance to express my
                        love and reminiscences here, to ensuring that I did pen
                                                  those thoughts.
                            Trips for students, invites to Her office or abode,
                                    Never heard of and deserves an Ode,
                                  To shine and succeed She laid the road,
                           Many jumped on the inviting wagon and they rode,
                         Literally many jumped in her car too, and they rode to
                                                     Her abode,

                            Greatness doesn’t just invite; facilitates too. How
                                             wasn’t She ever bored?
                        By ensuring everyone, even those shunned and left out

                                Fruits of her labour did cement her legacy,
                               Which does demand she be called Greatness,
                        But wait there’s more; I’ve barely scraped the tip of the
                                                    iceberg here,

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