P. 19
Obras Hidráulicas Saneamiento Hydraulic Works Sanitation
For the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation:
“Preparation of the Technical File and Execution of the
Rehabilitation of the Cuchilla Vieja to RA2 Pipeline”, located
in the area hit by the earthquake of August 15, 2007.
For Ica Regional Government: “Construction of Filtration
Galleries in Vaso Minaqueros, and installation of Treated Water
Pipelines for the Supply of Drinking Water to Chicha”. This
works involved the construction of a filtration gallery aimed
at catching 500 lps, which would then be conveyed through
a 19 km long and 600 mm maximum diameter pipeline up to
the existing 5,000 m capacity reservoir, a pressure-reducing 19
chamber and a pressure valve chamber.
“Public Water and Sewerage System, Wastewater Treatment,
Household Connections, Reservoirs, Oxidation Ponds in páginas
Tumán district in Chiclayo”.
“Public Water and Sewerage System, Pump Chambers,
Oxidation Ponds, Suction Pipelines, Discharge Pipelines and
Household Connections in Pacasmayo district in Trujillo”.
“Relocation of Sewers and Drinking Water Networks (600 mm
to 1500 mm HDPE, HD pipelines) Section II of the Electric
Train in San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima”.