Page 35 - Jan 2019 IWMA Nation News interactive magazine
P. 35
Jess Hall Continued from page 35
I always have a joke with my family and boyfriend who also races, when I have kids one day I will be passing them over to the Grandparents and they will watch their Mummy on the race track.
IWMA: What is your favorite part of being a race car driver?
Is that it’s something totally out of the ordinary. Something that allows you to travel and make so many life-long friends. I love being a super star to many other little girls who wish to race one day, meeting them, and letting them sit in my race car, seeing their smiles from ear to ear is so fulfilling! IWMA: What does it mean to be a successful race car driver?
Generally, people put success with winning, being a National or State Champion, to me, being a successful driver is being consistent on and off the track. Working on the cars, being a
clean driver, interacting with the crowds who travel and pay to watch us race, respecting the volunteers / stewards who make our tracks run, respecting that some people do it for fun and some people do it to win money! That to me is a successful driver.
IWMA: What is your car number and how did you choose it?
My car number is 29, it is my birth date.
IWMA: Do you have any race day things you always do or wear?
I always wear my Nannas necklace, until it comes to race time then pass it onto my Mum to race. She passed a few years ago and was my biggest fan. RIP.
IWMA: How can people follow you on social media?
I have a racing page on Facebook, NFI Racing Team.
Daytona 500
Sunday, February 17, 2019 See you there!