Page 2 - December_Newsletter
P. 2
Parent of D Mithun, Grade -3
Mrs. D Aruna Devi
Global warming -a threat to mankind
ஓ அைறயி நா ெம வ திக
எரி ெகா தன. ெமலிதா கா “Global warming is a gradual increase in the earth's
வீசி ெகா த . கா ைற temperature generally due to the greenhouse effect
க ட ... caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and
other pollutants.”
'அைமதி' எ ற த ெம வ தி One of the reasons why global warming is dangerous is
ஐேயா! கா வீ கி ற .' நா because it disturbs the overall ecology of the planet. is
அைண வி ேவ ' எ results in floods, famine, cyclones and other issues.
பலவீனமாக றிய . Global average temperature, shown by measurements
from various sources, has increased since the Industrial
கா ப ட அைண வி ட . Revolution. As the Earth's surface temperature becomes
'அ ' எ ற அ த ெம வ தி hoer the sea level becomes higher due to ice caps melt.
கா ைற எதி க யாம அைண e sea level rise causes coastal areas to flood. Deserts
வி ட . will probably increase in size. Colder areas will warm up
faster than warm areas. Strong storms may become
'அறி ' எ ற றாவ more likely and farming may not make as much food.
ெம வ தி கா ைற எதி க ese effects will not be the same everywhere. e
யாம அைண வி ட . changes from one area to another are not well known.
நா காவ ெம வ தி கா வீசிய Coal-burning power plants, car exhausts, factory
சில ெநா களி ேபாரா ெவ றி smokestacks, and other man-made waste gas vents give
ெப ற . அ ேபா அ த அைறயி off about 23 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other
சி வ ைழ தா . greenhouse gases into the Earth's atmosphere each year.
e amount of CO2 in the air is about 31% more than it
'அடடா ெம வ திக was around 1750. About three-quarters of the CO2 that
அைண வி டேத' எ கவைல ட people have put in the air during the past 20 years are
றினா .அத எரி ெகா த due to burning fossil fuel like coal or oil. e rest mostly
comes from changes in how land is used, like cuing
நா காவ ெம வ தி றிய , down trees.
வ த படாேத நா இ கிேற .
எ ைன ைவ அ த ைற ப ற Although we are almost late in slowing down the global
warming rate, it is crucial to find the right solution.
ைவ ெகா ' எ ற . Controlling pollution, population and use of natural
resources are some of the factors to consider. Switching
சி வ உடேன... நா காவ over to the electric and hybrid vehicles is the best way to
ெம வ திைய பா " உ ெபய bring down the carbon dioxide. Minimize the use of
எ ன..?" எ ேக டா . ' ந பி ைக' plastics and planting of
எ ற அ த ெம வ தி. more trees are some of the
significant contribution of
நா எ ேபா வா வி ந பி ைகைய citizens to reduce global
ம இழ க டா ... warming.