Page 6 - December_Newsletter
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The Annual PTA meeting was scheduled and commenced for the grade
P T A section discretely from 22 November to 26 November in the school
auditorium at 3:45 PM. Each day of meeting was initialized with prayer
articulated by Ms.Vnithra, followed with welcome speech given by Ms
Prema, ensued with Principal's note and feedback provided by the concern
class teachers, proceeded with parents' opinion and suggestion, nally
enclosed with the vote of thanks articulated by the concern class teacher.
Life is the utmost grim assessment. Many people fail since they
Staff meeting was commenced during the
try to facsimile others, not understanding that everyone has an
month of November, a detail discussion went
altered question paper.
about students' activities, class performances,
upcoming programs, exams and note book An exam is a major factor in learning. Students learn the lesson
corrections. The new ofce staff Jayakumar of persistence and decision–making skills through exams.
was introduced zenith of the meeting. Closure of November month, monthly test was conducted for the
primary sections.
The television is where I saw my first cartoon, my first movie, and my first
series and so it will never be replaced with the smartphone that I use today.
Television is one of the single greatest technological advances of the 20th century,
serving to educate, inform, entertain and inuence our decisions and opinions. It is
estimated that approximately 90% of homes around the world have televisions. World
Television Day was established in 1996 by the United Nations. It is celebrated annually
on November 21. On behalf of World television day on 21st November, various events
are steered for the grade children on 22 November.
The events assigned for grade 1 and grade 2 were Cartoon character drawing, Picture
collage making for Grade 3, Grade 4 delivered a speech on Inventor of television. Grade
5 offered an enunciation on Merits and demerits of television. Best three students from
each category were selected and going to be awarded soon.