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S T U D E N T S ' C O R N E R Resourcefulness is a habitual payment of our passion.
Our Carmelites are essentially blessed with delightful gifts, through student's corners we are proud to
showcase their endowments to the world.
New Gimmicks
Arctic Fact
New Scientific innovation junction is intended for
1. The Arctic is located at the northernmost part of our training the improvement about the rolling technologies
planet. Scientists usually dene the Arctic as the area and it was astoundingly fashioned by our educators
above the ‘Arctic Circle’ — an imaginary line that
circles around the top of the globe. Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Wand
There is a lot to like in this smart
2. The Arctic consists of the Arctic Ocean and parts of
Canada, Russia, the USA, Greenland, Norway, sanitizing wand from Verilux
Finland, Sweden and Iceland. CleanWave is a pretty useful
sanitizing wand that features
3. Because of the Earth’s tilt, for at least one day a year
there’s an entire day of darkness in this freezing region advanced UV-C technology that
— and also a full day of sunshine. Imagine that! helps it eliminate odor-causing
bacteria and germs. As for design, it’s
4. Temperatures as low as –70°C have been recorded in
northern Greenland. quite lightweight so that you can
comfortably carry it anywhere. It also
5. Despite the freezing-cold temperatures, approximately features a wrist strap that you can use
four million people call this wintery wonderland as their to carry the sanitizing wand in your hand. And with the
home! Amongst these are the indigenous people of the
Arctic, called the ‘Inuits‘. They’ve found ingenious push button operation, you can operate it easily.
ways to survive in one of the harshest environments on Being so user-friendly, it can appeal to everyone – not
our planet. least to the housewives who always want to keep the
kitchen clean.
M. Pragadeesh, Grade-5
PUZZLE answer: 1 -Clouds | 2-80 | 3- 45
SOLVE THE CONUNDRUM attentiveness and progresses short-term memory
Puzzles are good for the aptitude growth. The act
of placing brainteaser together needs
and problem decrypting. Indeed, the motto
behind hosting the CONUNDRUM corner is to
explode students' mathematical and logical