Page 114 - demo
P. 114
1.2 mi 50.8516,-0.7323 If you want to visit Petworth House, exit left on to the A285, s/posted
“Petworth / Guildford”. Petworth is 12 miles away at GPS 50.9859, -0.6111 .
For Arundel:
7.9 mi 50.8529,-0.5610 Having passed the White Swan on the left, go through one r/bout, cross
the river and at the next roundabout take the 1st exit s/posted “Town Centre”. That will take you
into the village and Arundel Castle gates. When you reach the castle wall, turn r. for parking.,
To continue towards Brighton take High St, Queen St and The Causeway back to the A27.
Pick up the notes immediately below.
Giving Arundel a miss . . .
Follow the A27.
12.9 mi 50.8446,-0.2871 Pass through the suburbs of Worthing. After crossing the River Adur
take the first exit left s/posted “Steyning / Henfield / Horsham A283”.
0.4 mi At the r/bout take the 2nd exit on to Steyning Rd s/posted “Shoreham Harbour” and
“Shoreham A283”.
0.5 mi At the flush r/bout take the 2nd exit on to Old Shoreham Rd.
Expert navigation checkpoint: Just before that roundabout you’ll see the Red Lion Inn on your
left and as you leave the r/bout The Amsterdam is on your left.
0.8 mi 50.8325, -0.2786 At the flush r/bout take the 1st exit on to High St
Expert navigation checkpoint: Look for the Bridge Inn over to your right at the r/bout.
Follow High St on to Brighton Rd, the A259.
6.4 mi 50.8196, -0.1367 Follow the A259 to Brighton on the waterfront at Brighton Pier.