Page 152 - demo
P. 152

Navigation notes

        Routes 2 and 3 on the map

        From Exeter make your way to Junction 30 on the M5.  To do that from the centre of the city take
        Topsham Rd to the r/bout (Traffic lights).

        50.7033, -3.4896 Take the 1st exit s/p “Honiton / Taunton / (M5) / Exmouth” on to Rydon Lane.

        Expert navigator checkpoint:  A Shell Petrol Station will be on your left as you make that turn.

        50.7033, -3.4896 300m later get in to the left lane and take the exit s/p “Taunton / Barnstaple / M5
        / Honiton / (A30)” on to the A359.

        1.5 mi 50.7126, -3.4624, at the r/bout (traffic lights) at Junction 10 on the M5, pass under the
        motorway overbridge and take the 3rd exit s/p “Sidmouth / Westpoint / (A3052)”. That puts you on
        to Sidmouth Rd, the A376.

        Expert navigator checkpoint:  Look for the brick and tile building s/p “Martins” over to your right.

        0.6 mi. At the r/bout in Clyst St Mary, take the 2nd exit on to the A3052 s/p “Seaton A3052 /
        Sidmouth (B3176)”.

        10.9 mi. 50.7034, -3.2284, If you wish to visit Sidmouth, turn r. at the traffic lights in the centre of
        Sidford, s/p “Sidmouth A375”.

        Then . . .

        1.6 mi 50.6987 / -3.1944. Look for a r. turn on to Dunscombe Lane s/posted “Dunscombe 1/2 /
        Weston 3/4 / Branscombe 2”.  There is also a brown sign “Donkey Sanctuary”. The sanctuary is a
        short way down Dunscombe Lane.

        Otherwise . . .

        Remain on the A3052.  Along this stretch of road you are passing through the East Devon Area Of
        Natural Beauty.

        14.2 mi 50.7252, -2.9364 In the centre of Lyme Regis.

        2.4 mi 50.7413, -2.9144 At the r/bout take the 3rd exit on to the A35 s/p “Dorchester A35”.

        From here you can go directly to Dorchester or take a far more interesting route along the
        Jurassic Coast.

        The direct route:

        22.6 mi 50.7001, -2.4475 Continue on the A35 to Dorchester.

        The interesting way:

        7.7 mi 50.7232, -2.7564 In Bridport, at the r/bout take the 3rd exit on to Burton Rd, the B3157.s/p
        “Burton / Bradstock / Abbotsbury / B3157”.  Also signposted, on a brown and white sign “Jurassic
        Coast Road to Weymouth via Abbotsbury”.

        In Charmouth you can get a guided tour of the area with Jurassic Coast Guides.
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