Page 253 - demo
P. 253
Follow signs to Kenilworth on the long straight Warwick and Kenilworth Rds, the A429.
You will enter the town on New St.
From there just follow signs to the castle.
5.2 mi 52.3488, -1.5909 Entrance to castle and gardens. As you come up to the castle, turn left
for the castle carpark. That’s also the road to take to Warwick.
Kenilworth Direct
If you elect to give Coventry a miss and go straight to Kenilworth from the motorway follow these
navigation notes from the M6.
0.0 mi 52.4839, -1.7239 At Junction 4 Take the left hand lane exit s/posted “A446 Coventry (S &
W) / Birmingham (E)”
0.8 mi At the r/bout take the 3rd exit on to Stonebridge Rd, the A446 s/posted “Warwick /
Coventry A446”.
1.6 mi Merge on to Chester Rd.
0.8 mi At the r/bout take the 2nd exit on the Kenilworth Rd, s/posted “Balsall Common /
Kenilworth / Meriden”. At the actual exit the s/posts are “Leamington A452 / Warwick (A4277)”.
If you are interested in motorcycles you might want to visit the National Motorcycle Museum –
signposted from this point.
Go straight through four roundabouts to remain on Kenilworth Rd, the A452.
9.1 mi 52.3488, -1.5909 Follow the A452 in town. The castle and gardens will be directly ahead
of you. Circle around to the left to the entrance.
Kenilworth To Warwick
0.0 mi 52.3488, -1.5909 From Kenilworth, follow signs to the A46. Then just follow signs to
As you come into town, on Coventry Rd, follow signs to the Station and Town Centre. You’ll pass
the station on your right hand side.
5.4 mi 52.2837, -1.5805 You will come to a sloping T i/s controlled by traffic lights. The Castle
Limes Hotel will be on your left. Turn right and a short distance later, bear l. into St Nicholas
Church St.
Expert Navigator Checkpoint: Unlike many streets in Britain it is clearly s/posted on your r.
0.2 mi At the top of St Nicholas Church St, turn r. following a brown and white sign to “Town
Centre A425” and the castle icon.
You will se the castle gates over to your r.
That will take you on to on to Castle Hill. The Stables Car Park and castle entrance are about
100m along on the left.