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P. 38

 Real esTaTe FoR sale

        недвИжИмость на продажу

                                             the streetcar at yo�r front door and a   m�d/la�ndry  room,  over��zed  pat�o,
                                             Wal��  score  of  98,  yo�’re  only  �tep�   wrap  aro�nd  dec��,  h�ge  dec��  a�ove
                                             away from Psu, two Farmer’� Mar��et�,   the garage, only 30 m�n from PDX. Call
                                             Portland art M��e�m, theater�, re�ta��  Yelena for add�t�onal �nformat�on (971)
                                             rant�,  �hopp�ng  and  more.  Call  oleg   570�7732
                                             (503) 468�8192

        ухоженный  большой  дом  в  тупико�
        вой  улице  и  рядом  с  парком.  пре�
        красний  двор  с  садом  роз,  фонта�
        ном  и  гольф�лужайкой.  Большой
        мастер�люкс  с  двойными  ракови�
        нами,  газовым  камином,  ванной  и   great  �nve�tment  opport�n�ty.  Home   Bea�t�f�l  Home  w�th  4  �edroom  and
        большой  гардеробной.  просторная    located at the end of dead end �treet.   off�ce on Ma�n. Very eff�c�ent layo�t w�th
        кухня  с  гранитной  поверхностью,   extra large lot, po����ly d�v�da�le (��y�  �ea�t�f�l  ma�ter  ���te.  open  concept
        большим  островом  и  кладовой.  55   er  to  ver�fy).  good  �one�,  hard  wood   floor  plan,  q�artz  co�ntertop�,  ��  ap�
        �ed�, 2.5 �ath�, 3,586 �q ft, 2 f�replac�  floor�,  �ome  newer  v�nyl  w�ndow�.   pl�ance�. F�lly fenced to crate pr�vacy.
        e�, 2�car garage. звоните Миле (503). звоните Миле (503)   need  �pdate�.  ea�y  acce��  to  the   Can  �e  p�rcha�ed  w�th  aDu  �n  the
        781�1114                             �ac��  yard  for  yo�r  RV,  �oat  or  other   �ac��.  l�ve  �n  one,  rent  o�t  the  other.
                                             toy�. Plea�e �r�ng yo�r tool� to ma��e   Perfect �ncome generat�ng home. B��lt
                                             th��  ho��e  �h�ne  aga�n.  Conven�ently   �n 2019, 4 �ed�, 3 �ath�, 1,922 �q ft.
                                             located  to  freeway�,  �hopp�ng,  p��l�c   To �ee th�� home call o���ana at (360)
                                             tran�portat�on. Call oleg for more �nfo   609�3465
                                             (503) 468�8192

                                             F�lly remodeled �n 2018 ��rro�nded �y   Bea�t�f�lly  ma�nta�ned  tr��level  ho��e!
                                             �reathta���ng v�ew� of mo�nta�n� on 3+   new roof, new floor, new fence. large
                                             acre� �n�q�e 2 �tory octagon feat�re�   ���tchen w�th ��land and noo��, �pac�o��
        Condo  �oa�t�  �ea�t�f�l  hardwood   3  �ed�,  2,5  �ath�,  2  f�replace�,  w�th   floor  plan,  va�lted  ce�l�ng�,  la�ndry
        floor�ng  �n  the  l�v�ng  area.  go�rmet   h�gh ce�l�ng�, go�rmet �pac�o�� ���tch�  room, fam�ly room w�th wood ��rn�ng
        ���tchen w/q�artz co�nter�, cherry/ma�  en wa� c��tom made from alder wood,   f�replace,  pr�vate  fenced  yard  w�th  ��o�
        ple  ca��net�,  ga�  range  and  �ta�nle��   new ss appl�ance�, h�gh end f�n��he�,   pond and more. Th�� ho��e �� the per�
        �teel appl�ance�. large pr�vate �alcony   get a �pa l���e exper�ence �n h�ge ma��  fect  place  to  call  home!  Call  V���tor  to
        and deeded par���ng �pace P�124. W�th   ter  �ath,  c��tom  wal����n  clo�et,  h�ge   �ee th�� ho��e at (503) 756�0029

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