Page 75 - Family cookbook v30_Neat
P. 75


                                               Earl and his father, Robert H. Davison

                                                Seven White Horses and Ghosts

                “I was maybe six years‐old when I went hunting with Grandpa one afternoon. We had just entered a wooded
                meadow that was at the entrance of the woods. The trees were tall and mostly bare and there was a crisp
                frostiness to the air. We paused there for a few moments, taking it all in. I loved those woods, and I was soon

                absorbed in my own world. Suddenly, Grandpa turned to me and said, “Did you see that?!” “What?” I asked. He
                told me
                that he had just seen seven white horses pass in front of us off to the right, and they didn’t make a sound. Though

                I did not see the horses, I have no doubt that he did. He was filled with both awe and fear, and we didn’t go into
                the woods that day. We headed straight home.

                Another time when Uncle Bob had the dairy farm and lived in a big old frame house with a long porch, Grandpa
                told me that he would never spend the night there again because the “haints” kept him up all night pacing back

                and forth on the porch. Uncle Bob and Aunt Audrey did not live there for very long, I’m sad to say, because that
                was my very favorite place that they lived.”

                Earlene Davison Giglierano
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