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The Colonnade Connection
Sharing Views and News
A Word from the Director
Greetings Everyone!
This is the Colonnade’s inaugural e-newsletter. I expect this e-newsletter to be a quarterly marketing team
publication throughout our initial sales phases. The goal is to keep you apprised of developments and key
milestones for The Colonnade. As we move closer to opening, it will evolve into a monthly “resident”
e-newsletter published by our residents. My team and I will become contributors rather than publishers!
These are trying times as we know. Dark clouds were looming as an unexpected storm was upon all of us in
the Senior Living sector. We had to change everything about how we conduct business. As many of you
know, virtual tours and appointments became the main method for communicating during this time. I do not
expect this method to fade away. It is a mode of communication that most have become comfortable. The
good news is the Senior Living sector is emerging and moving forward. I am happy to say, of the 10
developing Greystone communities, The Colonnade was their only community that continued to sell
through the COVID period!
Like other Senior Living Communities, we are planning to resume “normal” sales operations. We are
starting with hosting a Re-Grand opening of our office this month. This event is just for new prospects of
The Colonnade and we are limiting the number of participants for the event. We will be branching out into
the community to restaurants as well. The Colonnade of Estero is going to be in the News -press and Naples
Daily News on Sundays and Wednesdays. Also, for those of you that like Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy
watch out for our commercial. We are also going to put an advertisement into Estero Life Magazine
This is a great time for all of you to review the Colonnade’s referral program and lend us a hand attracting
your neighbors to our community. You will earn some serious $’s, too!
Until next time, please wear your mask and stay safe!
Amy English
Sales and Marketing Director