Page 21 - pipeline.pdf
P. 21

Reinstatement of Agricultural Subsoils

                      After pulverisation the elevated pH levels will naturally decline over
                      time  when  the  soils  are  exposed  to  soil  moisture  and  oxygen
                      causing  the  process  of  carbonisation  to  begin.  Leaving  these  re-

                      pulverised materials exposed to the elements in their granular form
                      and periodically turning and wetting them will see a reduction of
                      the pH to pre-existing levels over the course of 12 to 18 months. If
                      buried  under  the  topsoil  this  process  may  take  in  excess  of  two
                      years to occur.

                      At  PowerCem  we  believe  that  to  achieve  a  near  full  biological
                      reinstatement  over  the  medium  term  you  need  to  work  hand  in
                      hand with the natural processes within the soils, thereby providing
                      a more ecological reinstatement process. We promote the addition
                      of  a  100%  natural  compound,  (elemental  Sulphur),  into  the

                      pulverised granulate layer before mixing in a portion of the parent
                      topsoil material and wetting the layer.  This layer would then be left
                      exposed to weathering for 3 to 6 months before being mixed again,
                      pH tested  and either continue to be exposed or to have the topsoil
                      layer reinstated.
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