Page 21 - Romeo y Julieta - William Shakespeare
P. 21

Romeo and Juliet. Adapted to the stage by D. Garrick. Revised by J. P. Kemble. Lond.

                   Romeo and Juliet. With explanatory French notes by A Brown. París.

                   Romeo and Juliet. Printed from the Text of Steevens, with historical and critical notes by J.
                  M. Pierre. Frankfort.

                   Romeo and Juliet. A critical edition of the two First Editions (1597 and 1599) with various
                  Readings to the time of Rowe. Oldenburg.

                   The Shakespearian Dictionary; forming a General Index to all the popular expressions and
                  most striking passages in the works of Shakespeare, from a few words to fifty or more
                  lines. By Thomas Dolby. Lond.

                   Natural History of the Insects mentioned in Shakespeare's Plays. By Robert Patterson.

                   Shakespeare et son temps, por Mr. Guizot.

                   Romeo et Juliette. Drame en cinq Actes, en vers libres. Adapté à la scene française, par
                  Ducis. París.
                   1772 | Íd. 1813

                   The Bibliographer's Manual of english literature by William Thomas Lowndes, new
                  edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged. By Henry G. Bhon. Part VIII. London.

                   A new variorum edition of Shakespeare by Horace Howard Furness. Fhiladelphia. vol. 1.
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