P. 4

OCTOBER 2022                                                                             ISSUE 01 - 2022

      PROTECTING OUR GREENS                                                                                      4


    It’s that �me of the year when many of our greens start to show signs of wear and tear. With soil
    temperatures being low, the growth of the grass slows down. We also experience wet weather where the
    feet on the damp greens cause extra compac�on. And compac�on, as we all know,  is very bad for our turf.

    If your green is beginning to show worn or bare patches, it may be helpful to apply some or all of the
    following measures. They could prevent further deteriora�on un�l you do your annual Spring renova�on.

        1.  Ensure that you vary the direc�ons of play and change the rink markings (if you can) on a weekly
            basis. Most of you will be doing this.

        2.  Take certain rinks out of play, at least for prac�ce purposes. Many of our members choose to
            prac�ce on the same rink, in the same direc�on, whenever they roll up!

        3.  Specify in which direc�on, and on what rinks, prac�ce may take place. In order for this, and the
            sugges�on under point 2, to be successful, strategically place li�le no�ce boards on the green.

        4.  Move the 2m mark to 3m at least (during Tabs). Some Clubs actually string off the 2m area to ensure
            that all play takes place between the strings.

        5.  Ask your Skips, during Tabs, to get the Leads to vary where they place the mat. On a normal Tabs
            day, look across the green. Invariably, the Leads choose to place the mat on the 2m mark. This
            merely contributes to extra wear and tear.

    Some of these interven�ons may not be popular with your members. Many of us are naturally resistant to
    change. But our experience has shown that when the reasons for implemen�ng these measures are
    correctly communicated, most of the members choose to comply.
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