P. 7

OCTOBER 2022                                                                              ISSUE 01 - 2022

      THE BIAS - DID YOU KNOW THAT...!?                                                                          7

                VIEW FROM SIDE                           EXAGGERATED VIEW FROM BACK
                    (CIRCULAR)                                     (LOPSIDED OVAL)               As the ball slows down
                                                                                                 it finds it’s true centre of
     LARGE CIRCLE                  LARGE CIRCLE                      LINE OF TRUE                gravity and curves.

                                                                                             of curve
                                                           True centre                   True centre
                                                           of gravity                    of gravity
                                                                       SMALL DOT
                                                                      (side is circular
                                                                      to a true circle)
                                     When travelling at speed, the bowl’s
                                     momentum keeps it in a straight line.

    Compared with some sports, lawn        The weighting is achieved by shaping   According to a bowls science guru,
    bowls is usually played in a state of  rather than adding mass to the bowl,   the energy of a travelling bowl is
    calm fairness, but that doesn't mean   so that one side is larger - and there-  converted into heat, which slightly
    there isn't any bias involved.         fore heavier - than the other.         raises the temperature of the green
                                                                                  under it.
    The sport originated in England and    This uneven weight distribution
    dates back to the 13th century.        means the centre of gravity of the     As the green absorbs the bowl's
                                           bowl is offset by anywhere between     energy, it also acts as a breaking
    It derived from boules, a group name   0.75mm and 0.9mm.                      force, which ultimately stops it.
    given to games that involved tossing   But more significant is the green      How close to the jack, though, is
    or rolling weighted balls towards a    itself, in particular its retarding force  dependent on more than just physics.
    target, such as the popular French     on the moving bowl. The condition of   Successful bowling also needs a few
    game petanque.                         the green - how well manicured it is,  intangibles common to a range of

    Bowls is played on a rectangular       whether it is lush or dry - has a direct  sports - a good eye, a dose of luck
                                                                                  and the rub of the green.
    grass or synthetic surface. In simple  bearing on the amount of friction the
    terms, the object of the game is to    bowl encounters.
    roll your ball, or bowl, as close as   The less friction, the faster it will roll,
    possible to a small white target called  which goes some way to explaining
    a jack.                                why so many bowls end up in the

    It sounds easy enough, but the critical  deep traps that surround the green.
    aspect of the game is that the bowls
    are asymmetrically weighted, meaning
    they curve to one side while in motion.
    This is called the bias, and there is a
    great deal of complicated science to it.
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