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Oersted, Hans Christian  134, 135   teoria
         ondas electromagnéticas  151, 152,   cinética de los gases  9, 97, 114-
            154                               117, 124,126,127,152
         «On Physical Lines of Force»  11,   delcolor  9,51, 75, 79,82,84
            148,152                        matemátic_a de la elasticidad
         «On the Description of Oval Curves   50,51
           and Those Having a Plurality of   tem1odinámica  25, 28, 66, 106-109,
            Foci»  26                      112,120,122,127
         «On the Equilibrium of Elastic    primera ley de la  107-109
           Solids»  11, 50                 segunda ley de la  109, 120, 121,
         «On the Faraday's Lines of Force»    123
            11,144                      «The Theory of Rolling Curves»  11,
         «On the Theory of Compounds       49
           Colours»  84                 Thompson, Benjan1in  7, 37, 38
                                        Thomson, Willian1  7, 28, 29, 37, 41,
         Peregrinus de Maricourt, Petrus  133   42,51,67, 76,85,94,96,98,99,
         Peterhouse  52, 56, 67            102, 106,107,109,120,123,127,
         pompas de jabón  98, 99           128,141,146,147,153,161,163
         potencial vector  142          Treatise on Electricity and
         premio Adams  11, 91, 92, 98, 99,   Magnetism, A  8, 11, 136, 160,
           102                             164, 167
         Revolución                        de color  80, 81
           francesa  35                    de Maxwell  81
           industrial  31, 33, 35-37, 41, 43,   'Ihnity College  52, 55-57, 59-61, 69,
              87                           79,84,85,97, 162,170
         Royal Institution  37, 38, 40, 62, 137,
           147                          University College  144
         meda de colores  76-79         Urano  91, 92
         Smith's Prize  63, 69, 97, 162   Verrier, Urbain Le  91-93
         St. Catherine's College  163   Volta, Alessandro  131, 132
         St. John College  91, 92
         Strutt, John William  113, 115, 168   Waterston, J ohn J an1es  112-116
         Struve, Otto  96, 97, 101      Watt,James  33,34,41,43, 108
                                        Whewell, William  56, 57, 66, 84, 97,
         Tait, Peter Guthrie  23, 25, 27, 42, 52,   162
           55,120,127,128,163           Wilkinson, John  34
         teorema de equipartición  114, 126   Wrangler, segundo  66-68

                                                                ÍNDICE       175
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