Page 4 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
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            VISION AND PURPOSE STATEMENTS             2           KPI 4 | Intelligence Gathering and Use   56
                                                                  KPI 5 | Technology Application           56
            EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                         3

            NATURAL & SOCIAL CAPITAL WHEEL            5           LANDSCAPE INTEGRITY                     57
                                                                  PAST HUMAN IMPRINT
            SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WHEEL             9           KPI 1 | Sites Of Human Habitation        59
                                                                  KPI 2 | Agricultural Infrastructure      59
            2020/21 NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS             13
                                                                  KPI 3 | Weirs, Dams and Dam Walls        59
            STATED TARGETS FOR 2021/21               14
                                                                  GEOMORPHOLOGY, HYDROLOGY & SOIL
            RESERVE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES                         KPI 1 | Geomorphological Integrity       61
            AND PLANS                                23           KPI 2 | Hydrological Integrity           61
                                                                  KPI 3 | Soil Integrity                   61
                                                                  CONNECTIVITY RESTORED
            MITIGATING THREATS                       31           KPI 1 | Landscape Flows                  63
            CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION                             KPI 2 | Gene Flows                       64
            KPI 1 | Surface Water                    33           KPI 3 | Habitat Linkages                 64
            KPI 2 | Fire Management                  33
            KPI 3 | Large Mammal Management          34           BIOTIC STRUCTURE AND DIVERSITY          65
                                                                  VEGETATION STRUCTURE
            ALIEN INVASIVE SPECIES                                KPI 1 | Vegetation Monitoring in Past-Impacted
            KPI 1 | Alien Plant Species              35                 Areas                              67
            KPI 2 | Animal Plant Species             35
            KPI 3 | Disease Control                  35           PLANT DIVERSITY
                                                                  KPI 1 | Diversity Measurements and Surveys   67
            TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY                    37
            BOUNDARY AND FENCING                                  ANIMAL DIVERSITY
            KPI 1 |Boundary Fence                    39           KPI 1 | Incidental Animal Sightings      68
            KPI 2 | Fence Maintained                 40           KPI 2 | Large Mammal Survey              69
            KPI 3 | Minimise Human Wildlife Conflict   42         KPI 3 | Vulture and Stork Survey         71
                                                                  KPI 4 | Large Mammal Re-Establishment    71
            KPI 1 | Wildlife Security                45           ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION                      73
            KPI 2 | Incursions Associated with                    PRODUCTIVITY AND CYCLING
                  Neighbouring Communities           46           KPI 1 | Herbaceous Productivity          75
            KPI 3 | Poaching Incidents               47
            KPI 4 | Field Ranger Force               47           HABITAT INTERACTIONS
            KPI 5 | Patrolling and Deployment        48           KPI 1 | Trophic Interactions             76
            KPI 6 | Poacher Contacts & Arrests       50           KPI 2 | Landscape Strategies             77
            KPI 7 | Poaching Impact                  50
                                                                  RESILIENCE AND RECRUITMENT
            SUPPORT SERVICES                                      KPI 1 | Response to Disturbance
            KPI 1 | Joint Operations with Key Stakeholders   51         (Fire and Drought)                 78
            KPI 2 | Legal Compliance and Processes   51
            KPI 3 | Air Support                      53
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