Page 9 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
P. 9

A pack of endangered wild dogs at Karingani

            The   ongoing  application  of  these  operational  By comparing the component elements measured
            management standards further allows Karingani to track,   within  the  Natural  and  Social  Capital  wheel  versus
            collate and analyse data against the multiple and defined   the Sustainable Development wheel (see pages 5
            key performance indicators.                       and  9), Karingani can  demonstrate where progress
                                                              has been made when considering this dashboard of
            We continue to measure the performance outcomes at   data. Importantly, Karingani can continues to use this
            Karingani towards the property’s planned restoration   dashboard of data to determine where mitigation is
            and ultimate vision in maintaining the current and future   required to positively enact change.
            biodiversity and providing positive social impact within
            the neighbouring communities over the next 16 years.   When reviewing the dashboard, each wedge has been
            This process is considered as two distinct phases: Phase   allocated a primary heading or attribute that reflects
            1 Ecological Restoration and Phase 2 Maintenance of   the ultimate position of success of the component
            Biodiversity and Sustainability.                  restoration or development that needs to be reached.
                                                              Within each primary attribute, three or four secondary
            Ecological Restoration, as a means of conserving   attributes are inserted to demonstrate the result and
            biodiversity  and  improving  human  well-being,  is  now   progress of implementation of the various KPIs identified,
            widely adopted globally, and complies with One Planet   considered important to achieving the primary attribute.
            principles. This underpins why and how Karingani
            applies its best-practice management decisions towards   The progressive movement of each secondary attribute
            the goals of restoration. The expectation is that the   is based upon a five-stage scoring system where each
            restoration phase for Karingani will span 16 years; the   stage score level is cumulative and depicts a visual
            period of time required to enable the land to become   gradient towards the highest score of 5. This system of
            dynamically self-regulating, through intervention and   scoring remains consistent with Report No.3, issued 31st
            management in the early years of this process. Given   March 2020.
            the future and unknown impact of climate change, it
            may mean, however, certain components of the system
            require management in perpetuity.

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