Page 13 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
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 •   Required management and mitigation                                     •   All three strategies fully implemented
 strategies identified and under   •   Two strategies documented and developed   •   Three strategies documented and at least   •   All three strategies fully implemented and   and achieving relevant goals - adaptively
 development - at least 1 strategy in initial   - at least 1 strategy fully implemented  2 strategies fully implemented.  monitored.  manage change
 implementation phase
 MITIGATING    •   Threats of invasive species identified;   •   Two strategies documented and developed   •   Three strategies documented and at least   •   All three strategies fully implemented and   •   All three strategies fully implemented
 - at least 1 strategy fully implemented.
            2 strategies fully implemented.
                                                                                and achieving relevant goals - adaptively
 THREATS  Further deterioration halted; strategy for                            manage change
 mitigation in development.
                                                                            •   100 % of the protected area delineated
 •   At least 20 % of the protected area   •   At least 40 % of the protected area   •   At least 60 % of the protected area   •   At least 80 % of the protected area   and fenced to required standards and
 delineated and fenced to required   delineated and fenced to required   delineated and fenced to required   delineated and fenced to required   maintained towards continually achieving
 standards and maintained to a point of   standards; maintained to a point of the   standards; maintained to a point of   standards; maintained to a point of   the identified goals
 the proportionate achievement to the   proportionate achievement to the identified   the proportionate achievement to the   the proportionate achievement to the
 identified goal  goal  identified goal       identified goal               •   Trained security staff at the IUCN
 •   Trained security staff count below the   •   Trained security staff count below the   •   Trained security staff count at 30-40% of   •   Trained security staff count at 40-50% of   recommended standards for ‘threatened
                                                                                areas’; supported and equipped towards
 GLC required density of 1 per 35 km2;   GLC required density of 1 per 35 km2;   IUCN recommended standard; supported   IUCN recommended standard; supported
 TERRITORIAL    supported and equipped towards 20% of   supported and equipped towards 40% of   and equipped towards 60% of the   and equipped towards 80% of the   100% of the identified security strategy
                                                                                needs; adaptation of strategy and
 INTEGRITY  the identified security strategy needs  the identified security strategy needs  identified security strategy needs  identified security strategy needs  resourced accordingly
 •   Support services at 20% of the identified   •   Support services at 40% of the identified   •   Support services at 60% of the identified   •   Support services at 80% of the identified   •   Support services at 100% of the identified
 attributes required towards security   attributes required towards security   attributes required towards security   attributes required towards security   attributes required towards security
 strategy  strategy  strategy                 strategy
 •   Past human impacts and signs identified                                •   All signs of past human imprint identified
 and documented; mitigation requirements   •   Mitigation initiated in at least one of the   •   Mitigation in process for at least two of the   and mitigated to the point that the natural
 identified  identified secondary attributes towards   identified secondary attributes towards   •   At least 1 one of the identified attributes   rehabilitation process can proceed
 •   Identify relevant strategies towards   goal achievement  goal achievement  fully mitigated and 2 in significant stages   •   All required mitigation inputs complete,
 achieving goal, prevent further   •   At least one strategy developed, fully   •   At least two strategies developed, fully   of mitigation towards completion  restoration at a point where natural
 deterioration caused by man induced      •   At least three strategies developed, fully
 LANDSCAPE    disturbances.  implemented and monitored.  implemented and monitored.  implemented and monitored.  recovery processes can proceed unaided.
 INTEGRITY  •   Literature research and document current   •   Develop and implement at least 1 strategy   •   At least 2 strategies developed and fully   •   All three strategies fully implemented.  •   All required mitigation inputs complete,
 towards goal achievement.
                                                                                restoration at a point where natural
 understanding of the spatial dynamics of                                       recovery processes can proceed unaided.
 the Karingani ecosystem.
 •   Initiate the documentation and mapping   •   Monitor passive recovery in impacted   •   Plan and implement active recovery in
 of the existing vegetation structure and   •   Identify, map and document impacted   areas and identify where active   impacted areas.  •   All required mitigation inputs complete,
 diversity of the reserve.  intervention is required.                           restoration at a point where natural
 areas; refine documentation of the current   •   Implement site and species specific
 •   Document and understand where and   vegetation communities within the reserve.  •   Implement site and species specific   restoration measures and monitor   recovery processes can proceed unaided.
 how alpha and gamma diversity have been   •   Plan site and species specific restoration   restoration measures and monitor   outcomes - Phase 2  •   All required mitigation inputs complete,
 impacted by past land use (site and reserve   measures.  outcomes - Phase 1    restoration at a point where natural
 BIOTIC STRUCTURE    wide).  •   Develop group specific (bird, small   •   Implement large mammal restoration plan   •   Implement large mammal restoration plan   recovery processes can proceed unaided.
                                              and monitor trend towards restoration
 & DIVERSITY  •   Based on initial reserve wide inventories,   mammal and large mammal) restoration   and monitor trend towards restoration   target. Monitor passive recovery of small   •   All required mitigation inputs complete,
            target. Monitor passive recovery of small
 document reserve wide species losses and
                                                                                restoration at a point where natural
 set appropriate benchmark as restoration   plans.  mammals and birds, and identify required   mammals and birds, and implement   recovery processes can proceed unaided.
                                              required interventions.
 targets.   interventions
                                          •   Substantial evidence of key physical
 •   Physical processes show increased   •   Evidence of physical functions   functions and processes commencing   •   Considerable evidence of functions and
 potential for a wider range of functions   commencing - e.g., nutrient cycling, water   processes on a secure trajectory towards
 •   Physical processes are at a foundational   including nutrient cycling, and provision of   filtration and provision of habitat resources   including reproduction, dispersal and   reference system.
 stage only, capable of future development   habitats/resources for other species.  for a range of species.  recruitment of species.
 of functions similar to the reference.   •   Substantial evidence of key trophic   •   Considerable evidence that trophic
 •   Trophic interactions are at a foundational   •   Trophic interactions show increased   •   Evidence of trophic interactions of damaged   interactions and processes commencing   interactions and processes are on a secure
 potential for a wider range of functions
                                                                                trajectory towards reference system.
            areas commencing - e.g., nutrient cycling,
 stage only, capable of future development   including nutrient cycling, and provision of   water filtration and provision of habitat   including herbivory, reproduction, dispersal,
 of functions similar to the reference.       recruitment of species and predation.  •   “Considerable evidence of functions and
 ECOSYSTEM   habitats/resources for other species.  resources for a range of species.  processes on a secure trajectory towards
 •   Ecological resilience is at a foundational   •   Substantial evidence of key perennial
 FUNCTION  stage only, capable of future development   •   Ecological resilience shows increased   •   Evidence of short term recovery   species are recruited and biophysical   reference and
 similar to the reference.  potential for a wider range of functions   commencing - e.g., water infiltration,   processes commencing including nutrient   evidence of ecosystem resilience likely
 including nutrient cycling, and provision of   re-vegetation (annuals) and provision of   cycling, trophic interactions, reproduction,   after reinstatement of appropriate
 habitats/resources for other species.  habitat resources for a range of species.  disturbance regimes.”
                                              dispersal and recruitment of species.
 •   Assess existing performance of Karingani’s
 energy usage and carbon footprint
 •   Assess existing waste, management of   •   Develop new framework  •   Adopt framework  •   Monitor Performance  •   Report performance
 landfill and reduction strategies  •   Develop new framework  •   Adopt framework  •   Monitor performance  •   Report performance
 •   Assess current sourcing strategies, use of   •   Develop new framework  •   Adopt framework  •   Monitor performance  •   Report performance
 BUILT    firewood, and extraction rehabilitation  •   Develop new framework  •   Adopt framework  •   Monitor performance  •   Report performance
 ENVIRONMENT  •   Assess water harvest, water system,
 sourcing and quality
 •   Necessary Infrastructure identified and
 minimum needs constructed per associated   •   Operational support of built infrastructure:   •   Operational support of built infrastructure:   •   Operational support of built infrastructure:
 community; Employment protocol   programme initiated - Mapulanguene and   programme initiated - Massingir; Deca da   •   Operational Support of built infrastructure:   all social development infrastructure
 established to prioritise neighbouring   Cubo  Vitoria  programme initiated - Ringani; Mbakani  operational and equipped; maintenance
 communities  •   Engagement programme extended towards                         and support phase
 •   Engagement programme initiated with Cubo   Mapulanguene and Khumani community;   •   Engagement programme extended towards   •   Engagement programme extended   •   Engagement programme extended
                                              towards Ringani and Mbakani; channels of
            Massingir and Deca da Vitoria; channels of
 community; channels of communication   channels of communication open and   communication open and mutual  communication open and mutual  to Nyandlopfu and Matsandzana; all
 SOCIAL    open and mutual  mutual  •   At least first project operational;   •   Multiple operational projects;   associated neighbouring communities
                                                                                channels of communication open and
 CAPITAL  •   Focused support on local vendors for   •   Initiate at least one of the identified   Implementation of at least the next   implementation of next identified project  mutual
 internal needs; identify and plan commercial
 commercial projects; planning and
 partnership enterprises suitable for the   preparation for the next  development project  •   All identified projects operational
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