Page 10 - OMS ERP, Pavo, WMS ERP System Newsletter for ASD 2023 Trade Show
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Developed, Programmed & Sup-
Master System Inc. ported in the USA
109 Fox Crossing Ave
N. Las Vegas, NV 89084 Master System is the developer of
Office Master System (OMS.)
Phone: 702- OMS is the pre-eminent business
software solution for the exclusive
617-0427 use of thousands of wholesale dis-
email: tributor & import companies around
the world. Since 1987, Master Sys-
rsandler@mas tem has been at the forefront of continuous and never ending development of our OMS
and eMaster business software solutions for wholesale distributors. Master Systems’ OMS is a world-class inventory control with integrated accounting
application that was the “first” to fully-integrate the wholesale distributor’s back-
office via the Internet with ecommerce and Business-to-Business. Today, OMS re-
mains unmatched for its ease-of-use, ease-of-deployment, customization, and low
cost of ownership with versatility and adaptability that delivers significant gains in
performance and efficiency.
We’re on the web
at www. Master- OMS Business Intelligence Tools
OMS has thousands of reports in
each of their ERP Systems
providing you with all the tools
Not all modules, functions or required to analyze and grow
options in the Newsletter are your business. The majority of
available in all systems. Please reports preview to the screen &
check with your OMS sales rep have an option to export to excel
to find out which feature are in or CSV file formats with a simple
the system you currently own right mouse click.
or are interested in.
In many systems, OMS offers
Multiple Company Sales Analy-
sis for users who own more than
Show Special! one company that allows user to
select companies for Compari-
Contact Ross Sandler sons on the following:
at 702-617-0427, by
Marc h 30, 2023 to see
how you can save up Item Sales Inquiry
to 25% off the cost of Customer Open Order In-
the OMS Software quiry
just by mentioning Zone & Territory Sales Or-
this ASD2023 Show der Analysis
Customer Monthly Sales
Zone & Territory Sales Anal-
Inventory Class Sales In-