Page 8 - OMS ERP, Pavo, WMS ERP System Newsletter for ASD 2023 Trade Show
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Samples of OMS Customer’s eMas-
                                     OMS NEWS!           ter B2B  and/or B2C Sites                           Page 8

                    “No Degree Required”             : To Use the OMS Accounting Applications

                                                       OMS features full Accounts Payables,   according to your company policy &
                                                       Accounts Receivables, and Banking,     more. You July choose partial pay-
                                                       These functions are simple & easy to   ments to an invoice, or one payment
                                                       use!                            to many outstanding invoices.

                                                       Accounts Payable— A/P is integrated   Banking—deposit processing to
                                                       to the Company Operating System, the   statement generation & reconciliation
                                                       Purchase Order System & Banking   to viewing & printing checks.  Main-
                                                       Module.  Process all payables payments   tain & track multiple bank accounts,
                                                       to terms & priority. Produce cash flow   transfer, adjust, inquire & do bank
                                                       & cash disbursement information.     reconciliation. View bank check images
                                                                                       on the screen & print checks on com-
                                                       In Accounts Receivable— A/R is   puterized check forms. Bank depos-
                                                       integrated to Company Operating Sys-  its and check registers link with
                                                       tem processing all open invoice items   accounts receivable and accounts
                                                       pertaining to a customer. Track all open  payable.
         Simply, Easy To understand. User Friendly     items & paid history.  The system ac-
         Screens are evident in OMS. Throughout the En-  cepts customer payments by individual   Sales Rep Commission: Multiple
                                                       open items or groups open items for
                                                                                       methods of calculating Sales Rep
         tire System Making OMS easy to train, therefore   payments. Produce billing & state-  Commissions even the ability to split
         less expensive to Implement & keep running.!!!   ments, computes & pays commissions   commissions per transaction.

          Need Lot # or Serial # -Take Control of  Your CBD & Other Inventory !

         Is your company involved   with Expiration Dates    or virtual ware-      & Pick by scanning
         with Distributing or Man-  & integrate with each    houses that you may   the sn and even add to
                                                                                   invoice & packing list
         ufacturing CBD & similar   other. Need to separate  need.  Now you
         products that require Lot   your CBD Inventory      can easily separate yo
         # Control with Expiration   from your Non CBD       ur inventory with re-
         Dates?  If so, we have an   products?  Some states   porting. ing capability
         ERP Inventory & Ac-        require that inventories  by warehouse, if re-
         counting,  Ware-           be separated.  OMS is a  quired   OMS also has
         house  Management  &       multi-warehouse sys-     the ability to Track Seri-
         Manufacturing Systems -    tem that allows you to   al Numbers, & if bar-
         all have Lot # Control     create as many physical  coded, can pick

                                                  Your OMS tool for E-commerce

         Pavo is a multi-channel solution to connect OMS
         to e-commerce platforms that is entirely cloud
         based, with little additional maintenance on your
         part.  The features are built based on client de-
         mands and by the OMS team, exclusively for OMS
         Systems. Now available: Shopify,
         Woo Commerce, Channel Advisor,
         NuOrder, Brandboom, Ship-
         station, CommerceHub, DSCO,, Amazon, eBay and
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