Page 3 - Women's Soccer Scene Issue No.33 2022-23
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Barnsley  FC  is  delighted  to  announce  that  it  will  launch  its  first  ever  professional
       women’s team.
            The team, which currently exists as part of Barnsley’s Reds in the Community
       programme and plays in the sixth tier of women’s football as Barnsley’s Ladies, will be
       rebranded as Barnsley FC as they start next season in the fifth tier following promotion
       in a title-winning 2022-23 campaign.
            The historic decision to professionalise and bring the community women’s team
       in-house at the Club was made following an in-depth review of women’s football in the
       borough as part of Barnsley FC’s vision to positively impact and support the local area.
            The  professionalisation  of  the  women’s  team  will  see  Barnsley  FC  invest  in  a
       number of areas, including but not limited to; increased match-day support, the ability
       to  play  at  Oakwell,  access  to  sport  science,  training  and  physio  teams,  increased
       marketing and promotion and much more. The Club is confident that these investments
       will  help  the  women’s  team  improve  and  begin  their  journey  upwards  within  the
       women’s football pyramid.
            “We are proud to be bringing a women’s team into Barnsley FC,” said Barnsley FC
       Chief Executive Officer, Khaled El-Ahmad. “We have discussed this internally for more
       than thirteen months and it is the right time for a historic club such as Barnsley FC to
       have a women’s team. We will provide the team with the resources it needs to grow, and
       we are confident this investment will not only help the team but women’s football in the
            “We’d like to express our gratitude towards all the tireless volunteers who have
       helped the Barnsley Ladies team play football on their journey so far. Their foundation
       and  energy  has  been  an  integral  part  to  Barnsley  FC  making  this  decision.  We’re
       extremely fortunate to be working with such a well-run organisation and so excited to
       continue the great work that’s been established with the junior teams as we want to
       continue to find the best local talent in the area.”
            Barnsley  FC  will  also  work  closely  with  Reds  in  the  Community  and  Barnsley
       Ladies to improve the player pathway and overall technical development along with a
       commitment to further promote women’s football in the local community. The Club will
       work with local schools and clubs to encourage more girls and women to get involved in
            “When we reconstituted the board just over a year ago, creating a women’s football
       programme was one of the most important agenda items for the next 12 months - and
       with one year now under our belt we are excited to announce it. We want to be a leading
       club in the promotion of women’s football,” said Barnsley F.C Director, Julie -Anne Quay.
            “We  believe  that  football  is  for  everyone,  and  we  are  committed  to  providing
       opportunities for girls and women to play the game at all levels and play a central role at
       the club both on and off the pitch.”
            More information about the newly formed women’s team, Barnsley FC, will be
       released by the Club over the coming weeks including details about the team, trials and
       the pre-season schedule ahead of the 2023-24 campaign.
       (Barnsley FC Official Website -
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