Page 10 - Keynsham Town FC v Mousehole 230422
P. 10

Jamie Price (Coach)        Josh Bruton (Coach)       Rich Williams (Physio)

    A tough-tackling player who  Once his legs finally gave up on  Rich is a Keynsham Town legend
    joined the Ks in November 2016  him, Brutes has managed our  who has been at the club for
    from Wells City. Jamie has now  promo on-winning Reserve side for donkey’s years! He happily acts as
    decided to concentrate on his  the last 3 seasons alongside Brian  physio to our Under 18s as well as
    coaching and provided excellent  Sealy. He has been at the club since the First Team. Club Man par
    support to John & Russ over the  he was a nipper and has now  excellence!
    past 2 seasons.            stepped up to a coaching role with
                               the First Team.

           Seth Locke                Callum Baker              Cam Ricke s

    Seth is a highly rated young  Callum joined in the 2020-21  Cam has a wealth of Southern and
    goalkeeper who joins us on loan  season from Bishop Su on. The  Western League experience and
    from Frome Town for the 2021-  hard-working striker adds strength joined the Ks in 2019-2020
    22 season. A er impressing in  and energy to our forward line  however some impressive
    Division 1 with Bishop Su on last  and is no stranger to the league  performances were blighted by a
    season, Seth will gain more  and this level having previously  recurring hamstring injury. Cam
    valuable experience in the Prem  played for Bi on.  has hopefully put that behind him
    this season plying between the                      now and will be looking to
    s cks for the K’s.                                  become a regular this season.
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