Page 11 - Keynsham Town FC v Mousehole 230422
P. 11
George Rooke Harley Purnell Jack Dancy
Joined from Southern League
A local lad (lives within sight of Joined the Ks in January 2018 Larkhall Athle c at the start of
Crown Fields) who, a er 2 years a er 4 successful years with this season. Jack is comfortable
with Bath City’s Academy, broke Bristol Manor Farm with whom anywhere in defence or midfield,
into the First Team squad in he gained promo on to the he started out as a Ks junior
2019-2020 after some Southern League. He has an before moving away to collegeat
impressive performances for our excellent football brain and is a 16. He also has Northern League
successful Reserve side. born leader, taking the captain’s experience with Conse and
armband since his arrival. Whitley Bay from his me at
Durham University.
Jamie Noble Jamie Gregory Jordan Anstey
Returned from university a few
years ago to become a regular in Jamie is a talented defender and
our promo on-winning Reserve is no stranger to the club. Having Has been at the club since his
side, before forcing his way into played for both Bristol City and junior days and has matured
the First Team picture in 2019- West Brom at youth level, Jamie into a confident centre half. Can
2020. Jamie is yet another player also has Western League also cover at le back or
who has progressed from our experience playing for Bi on and midfield and his versatility has
Somerset Floodlit Under 18s set Welton. Jamie will strengthen our been vital for the Ks.
up through to senior football. defensive.